Are you too old to date attractive women?

Ever wondered to what extent your age affects your dating opportunities?

On my live workshops, one of the common fears preventing guys from approaching is:

“I’m too old for her.”

As a man in his mid-thirties or his early 40s, you may feel uncomfortable at the idea of approaching women who are ten or fifteen years younger.

The underlying limiting belief is that she might consider you boring and less sexy when compared to her peers, and that’s not entirely false…

Lots of men after a certain age—as they get completely absorbed by their draining careers and duties—stop putting effort into their appearance & personality.

As a result, their seductive value on the marketplace plummets, and their opportunities with hotties dwindle.

But that’s only one side of the coin…

Feeling Old GIF by A&E

The best seducers I’ve ever met, who are dating models & young attractive women on a regular basis, are mostly men who are in their mid to late thirties and 40’s.

That’s because when you take proper care of yourself, stay young in your mindset and spirit, and embody the right archetype, being an older dude has tremendous advantages.

I explain to you what they are, and how to consistently date younger girls in my latest video. Click the link below to check it out:

P.S. If your current life routine is flat and unattractive, to the point that it limits your seductive results and social opportunities, you need to change––and redesign––the script…

That’s the focus of my Lifestyle Design Academy, my 12-month mentorship program that teaches you how to build your dream lifestyle & access insane levels of seductive success, even during the lockdown.

Click HERE to learn more about it.

This is by far the most in-depth and value-packed program I’ve ever released, and that’s for a special reason…

In contrast to most courses out there, which contain a bunch of pre-recorded theory videos and little guidance or accountability on how to execute, the L.D.A is 100% Live training.

That means you’ll personally contribute to shaping its structure and outcomes by participating every week on a Live Zoom training webinar with me, followed by personalized missions to implement what you’ve learned while receiving 24/7 accountability & feedback on our L.D.A global brotherhood group that includes over 400 other students & mentors.

You also get immediate access to 100+ hours of epic bonuses that I’ve carefully selected to guarantee you’ll receive the most life-altering education known to man in 2021 on how to build a masterpiece life in a practical, no B.S. fashion.

However, this opportunity won’t be available forever…

Hundreds of guys have already joined and so the enrollments for the Academy will close in less than 48 hours from now, on Monday at midnight.

If you’re tired of living a “traditional” life that lacks adventure, real purpose, and time to pursue what you really love, this is your chance to get a fresh start.

Click HERE to join the Lifestyle Design Academy

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Best Places To Live In As A Single Man In 2021

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Will you waste 2021 too?

Best Places To Live In As A Single Man In 2021

The seductive & lifestyle marketplaces can be pretty unfair.

Some men try with all their might and power to improve their dating & financial situation but never manage to gain any traction.

While others work a lot less hard for it and get access to stunners and interesting business opportunities on a regular basis.

What makes the difference?

According to breakthrough research conducted on the U.S population, there are 4 criteria that scientifically determine whether you’ll succeed in your life or not…

Location, income earned by your parents, race, and gender.

No matter how committed and positive-minded you are, if you score low in any of the above, your social & money opportunities are broadly speaking going to be limited.

Back in my early twenties, for example, the quality of the women I dated was nowhere near what it is today. And that was not only because of my skill set but also because my hometown Canberra was socially drab and hyper-saturated with hungry males and only a few average-looking girls.

Snl Facebook Marketplace GIF by Saturday Night Live


It’s not nice, but that’s how things work––what are you going to do about it?

Realistically, unless your family wins the lottery, and you go through some futuristic kind of surgery that swaps your gender and race at once, you only have one option left…

Changing location.

All the most successful––both in seductive & financial terms––men I’ve met in the past two decades are, or have been at some point of the journey, nomad entrepreneurs.

That doesn’t necessarily mean starting your own digital business and moving countries every quarter…

Climate Change Earth GIF


But to embrace a mindset and lifestyle that are mobile and location-independent in their nature.

If you want to learn what steps to take to relocate anywhere in the world and build location-independent financial stability, check out my latest video.

In it, I reveal the best countries for single men in 2021 and how to pick the right location for your personal seductive & income goals (yes even while in lockdown). Click the link below to watch it:


P.S. Moving to a new country can be a daunting prospect when you do it alone.

Saying goodbye to old friends, changing jobs, leaving your family…

Moving into a place where you don’t know anyone.

That’s why most people prefer to settle for an average life: the risks are minimal.

But it doesn’t have to be one or the other…not for you.

In my Lifestyle Design Academy, my flagship 12-month mentoring program, I coach you in moving anywhere you want and create or be invited into new vibrant social scenes that are rich with more dating & business opportunities that you can handle.

This is achieved through a combination of weekly live Zoom lectures held by me, personalized drills & accountability, and mastermind calls with guest-coaches & fellow nomads who have specialized in elite parts of lifestyle design such as travel hacking, throwing elite events, and running multiple businesses on autopilot.

Click HERE to learn more about them.

When you join, you’ll also get invited into my global online network of lifestyle designers. It included over 400 men worldwide that are collaborating on epic projects and new adventures every week.


Having access to a network like this also means that wherever you go, you’ll never be alone. The guys in the Academy are often visiting & hosting each other’s and many of them also collaborate in “Growth Houses” projects, a very beneficial type of tribal arrangement, where the different members unite for 30 days at a time to smash their dating & financial goals together.

To further help you get better opportunities, I also added 100+ hours of crazy valuable bonuses to the Academy, including several conferences, unreleased speeches, Q&A databases, and advanced courses.

If you want to benefit from all of the above and get mentored by me for one whole year, make sure you join NOW!

The L.D.A is open for enrollments only until this Sunday, the 21st of March, and since next Monday I’ll be already leading the next generation of lifestyle designers into the most epic, and opportunity-rich, year of their life.

Click HERE to join.

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Why Your Opinion Doesn’t Mean Sh*t

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Are you too old to date attractive women?

Why Your Opinion Doesn’t Mean Sh*t

I rarely coach clients 1-on-1 anymore.

My private time is very expensive, and so when I do take someone on, I mainly work with high-net-worth men who want to redesign their entire life to accommodate more women, adventure, and fulfillment.

Most of them, despite being part of large career networks, struggle to access good seductive opportunities.

Their social circles & groups are built around business purposes, and so they include mostly other men lamenting the same problems.

Paradoxically, the fix to their social & seductive issues is not of technical nature.

They don’t just lack the skillset, but the actual social scenes and opportunities to implement it in…

Comedy Baseball GIF by CBS


And that’s because they’re actively, but unconsciously, pushing good opportunities away by creating fake standards for themselves, such as:

“I’m the kind of guy who only goes to (XYZ) type of events”.


“They’re not the kind of people I like to hang out with”.

Opinions can be dangerous.

Especially when they’re internalized without trying things firsthand.


If you want to access the most elite seductive social scenes, you need to adopt a flexible and strategic mindset.

I explain to you how to do so, without losing your personal values, in my latest video.

Click on the link below to watch it:


P.S. The best way to know what you really like and don’t like in terms of social settings is to try as many diverse ones as possible before committing to one.

But entering a new social scene is often a delicate process…

Everyone wants to be where all the hot girls and high-status guys are, but very few people make the cut.

That’s because the most seductive social circles are inherently elitist.

And unless you know what to offer to them to get noticed, you’ll be left out.

This is one of the core specialties that I teach in my Lifestyle Design Academy, my 12-month mentorship program focused on building your own Masterpiece lifestyle & infiltrating others.

The L.D.A operates through weekly live Zoom lectures hosted by me, personalized missions, and webinars with guest coaches who are part of incredible seductive crews such as high-end BDSM scenes, the fashion industry, Great Gatsby parties with models, and many more.

This is the closest you’ll ever get to be coached by me 1-on-1, for a fraction of the fee.

When you join, you also get access to an exclusive global brotherhood including 400+ other lifestyle designers & mentors, located in 44 different countries, who will gladly welcome you to their seductive crews, as well as helping you to infiltrate others.

And if that’s not enough, I also included 7 epic bonuses for a total of 100+ hours of extra material. These include unreleased “technical” masterclasses, entire conferences, Live Movement classes, niche Rockstar level lifestyle programs, and several hour-long speeches!

So, if you want to transform your lifestyle and go from settling for average opportunities to tap into true abundance, make sure you join today…

The enrollments are open until Sunday 21st of March, and after that date, I’ll focus exclusively on mentoring the ambitious brotherhood of men in the program.

Click HERE to learn more about how the Academy works.

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How To Date 21 Models In 2021 - The Ultimate Guide

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Best Places To Live In As A Single Man In 2021

How To Date 21 Models In 2021 – The Ultimate Guide

If you’ve ever wondered how to consistently date the top 5% of beautiful women…

The models, the fitness influencers, the club dancers, the hot tattooed female artists, the sexy cosplay girls, I have great news for you today.

My Lifestyle Design Academy is finally LIVE!

This is a 12-month mentorship program personally taught by me as I take you through my secret blueprint to design a Seductive Lifestyle from scratch. Click HERE to check it out.

Now, in order to start bringing more of these high-level women in your life, you need to understand something first…

In most cases, cold approach seduction is not enough.

That’s because these top-tier females are NOT normally found in the streets and bars most guys go to, ready to be approached. They’re part of exclusive high-barrier social scenes designed by strategic groups of men to enjoy them without having to compete for their attention and sexual favors with the rest of the world.

Sure, if you are really stubborn and approach thousands of new women every year, eventually you might be lucky to score a couple of those rare birds.

passion seduction GIF

But with the right tools and blueprint to follow, you can 10X your results by strategically designing a Seductive Lifestyle that does the hard work for you, often passively on autopilot.


After spending the first 15 years of my adult life learning how to do this myself, I now teach it to my private 1-on-1 students as a simple 3-step process to 10X their social & dating lives permanently.

The first step is Targeting

Before you start attracting models and high-status women in your life on autopilot, you need to understand where and who these girls normally hang out with. Your bombshell fitness trainer will probably not spend her nights and free time in the same places and with the same crew that a hot tattooed BDSM queen would.

For the former, it would probably be a VIP social circle with other health-conscious people, probably not obsessed with crazy partying and more devoted to private day time events, exclusive dinners, and so on. For the latter, a very Elite group of practitioners that meet in underground settings and rarely accept new members.

Once you have targeted the precise social scene you want to access, finally you need to find an entry point or–as we call it in the Lifestyle Design Academy –a gatekeeper.

These figures are normally not so hard to find. They are the connectors, they know everyone and for this reason, and are social butterflies. With the right system, you can confidently approach them and proceed to…

The second step: Penetrating & Building Bonds

When you find a gatekeeper, it is paramount that you know precisely how to connect with him or her and offer unique value in exchange for being introduced in his social scene.

This is the most delicate moment in the entire Lifestyle Design process and where most men fail and never get to access those top 5% of women.

For example, if you want to seduce stunning club dancers and you approach a well-connected nightclub owner asking him to introduce you to his girls without offering anything in return, he will probably categorize you as another thirsty dude and forever ban you from his network.

And when that happens, your reputation is burned and you might have to wait a long time before coming across another good opportunity.

The key to getting this right the first time is knowing how to read everyone’s emotional blueprint and offer in return something valuable (e.g help their business, give them advice, introduce them to new network etc) they would not be able to find anywhere else.

If you get this right, you’ll be able to enter their social environment right from a top position in its hierarchy, with attractive factors like status and power working for you as a result of being introduced as an honorable guest.

This brings us to…

The third step: Leveraging it all

The moment you get access to a VIP social scene your goal should be to create as much Leverage as you can, as fast as possible.

This means accumulating many new social assets such as great friends, lovers, business allies, and other people that you can make part of a larger social ecosystem that works proactively to help you get more hot women, connections, and income streams on autopilot.

A primary example of this is what I and my private student call “booty calls by referral”.

If you seduce and sleep with a model and she tells her friends that you are a guy who is chill, good in bed and will treat them with respect, of course, they’ll take this option on recommendation over a random rich guy in a club or tinder hookup. Think of it like YELP reviews for sex:)

If you found the information inside this email useful, this is just the tip of the educational iceberg: of what I will teach you the moment you join my Lifestyle Design Academy.

And if you’re really serious about dating the most exclusive women on the planet and build a cool network of epic friends & allies, join me and the LD Academy members right NOW because…

To reward the TRUE action takers who are willing to put in the work to see changes now during the lockdown, while most people just wait for things to get better, I included THREE value-packed extra bonuses for those who join the Academy within the next 24 hours. That’s on top of 7 other bonuses which include merely 100 hours of exclusive content.

CLICK HERE to join me in this new, crazy adventure as we turn your life into a Masterpiece of social, sexual, and personal success.

Hope to see you on the first day of class.



Profile Image James Marshall
The Natural Lifestyles

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I really suck at this...

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Why Your Opinion Doesn’t Mean Sh*t

I really suck at this…

Most guys assume that becoming the “best version of yourself” is about maxing out every single character and outcome metric.

Like in video games, if you want to be the ultimate player, you need to level up and acquire all sorts of spells & abilities.

I’ve got a confession for you…

Happy Stephen Colbert GIF

I still suck hard at many things, and so does every member of my very successful crew.

And that’s the exact reason why we are so successful.

Spending your time trying to become “perfect” under all sorts of circumstances and metrics is a waste of effort.

Getting very good or “elite” at something requires you to automatically sacrifice––and suck at––other things in the process.


But you can still have it all, and here is how…

Just team up with a kickass crew of “specialist losers” as I did.

Exchanging valuable advice and putting your individual skills at disposal of the group.

So that every time someone needs help in a specific area, others take care of it, and so on.


This is a very efficient way to instantly fix your weaknesses and level up “passively”.

I explain to you how to structure your own social circle this way in my latest video. Watch it by clicking on the link below:


P.S. Building your own X-men team of very diverse and high-specialist people is not the easiest thing…

If you lack ambitious friends or every member of your crew is similar in mindset and skills, you won’t be able to multiply each other’s results as I described above.

That means you might need to make new friends and collaborators.

But where should you start?

This is one of the most important topics I teach in my flagship lifestyle engineering & seductive success program, the Lifestyle Design Academy, now open for enrollments until March 21st.

Click here to see how it works.

The Academy is a 12-month mentorship program that I personally teach through weekly live Zoom lectures, practical missions, guest masterclasses with members of my crew, and a large support library of 100+ hours of bonus training material.

The entire training is focused on helping you design and build your ideal masterpiece lifestyle.

Whether that’s about becoming a traveling CEO digital nomad, building a social circle filled with many attractive women and dating opportunities, closing more deals & getting a promotion, turning a creative passion into a business, or just making new cool friends…

This program will function both as a map and a template to help you achieve your unique goals.


But contrary to most courses out there, in the L.D.A success is not just about how hard you work, but with WHO you collaborate with.

To make sure you form your own crew of elite “specialist losers”, you’ll get access to my private digital network of hundreds of other lifestyle designers & mentors the moment you enroll in the Academy. This will help you to level up immediately by making new friends & partners and outsourcing tasks and skills to each other.

If you’re curious to learn more about the LDA method and ask me questions to see whether it’s for you, make sure to join my free coaching webinar tomorrow at 8 pm CET to interact with me live.

Click here to register for it

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How To Double Your Income (exposing B.S wealth gurus)

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How To Date 21 Models In 2021 - The Ultimate Guide

How To Double Your Income (exposing B.S wealth gurus)

For most of my adult life, I’ve prioritized freedom & spiritual fulfillment over material success.

After graduating high school, when most of my buddies enrolled in universities, not really sure why.. I took a year (to start) off, worked on farms and backpacked around India.

Years later, as they got jobs, mortgages, kids, I moved to Melbourne to follow my dream of becoming a rock’n’roll star.

Irresponsible, you might say…

Yet, as of 2021, I am in 100 times better financial position than most of them are (& will probably ever be).


Dog Food Friday GIF by Diamond Pet Foods

Why is that?

Because I’ve learnt to break free from the initial poverty ceiling, then branch out rapidly to create enough leverage to boost myself into lifestyle freedom. But before the millions, came the first vital jump to doubling and more my income and clawing back double the time.

Most people never move above the economic class they were born into, due in part to mindsets, spending habits and being ignorant of the games of leverage being played worldwide.

There are plenty of shady wealth gurus and positivity coaches taking advantage of people’s naive dreams of quick success.

But increasing and doubling your finances is not an 8-week, 5 step thing…

Nor is it just about “following your passions” without any skills or sound strategy to back them up.


It’s a lifetime process.

And since I’m no Wall-Street analyst myself, I’ve learned most of what I know through life experience and befriending key people who are proven experts––(not online gurus)––at the wealth game.

I share some key takeaways especially for younger guys on how to double your income, get time back to work on your passions, relationships and broader life goals in my latest video.

Click the link below to watch it


P.S. The most common trait I’ve encountered among the wealthiest people I know (some of them have Fortune 500 companies and own 9-figure empires) is that they are masters of influence & charm.

Not that all of them are elite ladies who have crazy seductive lives…

But they do know how to be liked and make the right impression on others.

That’s because strong social & influence skills are the key to multiplying any area of your life, including your finances. Work and adventure opportunities, elite social circles, deals and access to the hottest women are shared amongst those with social and real capital. To get real success you need to align yourself with other inspired collaborators and partners.

This is one of the key topics of my Lifestyle Design Academy, my most successful digital program now open for enrollments until March 21st.

Click HERE to learn more about it.

L.D.A is a 12-month mentorship personally taught by me & a cohort of selected elite mentors as we teach you how to first engineer and then execute your ideal lifestyle plan.

In it, through weekly live Zoom lectures, missions, and special masterclasses, we teach you fundamental persuasion & social seduction principles (including advanced frameworks on negotiation, confrontation, persuading gatekeepers, and more) to influence key decision-makers in nearly every socio-economic scenario and 10x your outcomes. Here’s some feedback from current students…


If you too want to join the next generation of Lifestyle Designers, I recommend you enroll today!

That’s because to encourage real action takers I’m offering some epic bonuses for those who join in the first 72h of the launch.

With 12 months live mentorship with me plus over 100 hours of epic unreleased bonuses LDA is your chance to overhaul and take command of your life this year.

Click HERE to check them out all the FREE bonuses.

See you at the first class

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6 Ways To Get Loyal Friends

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I really suck at this...

6 Ways To Get Loyal Friends

Recently, on my channels, I’ve been talking a lot about the importance of having the right friends & allies in your life.

When you have trusted people you can collaborate with and ask for/give help, your individual results will be amplified.

However, as I started to release more content on these topics, some guys started reaching out to me with a very smart question:

“That’s great, James, but what if I have no real friends in my life atm?”

That is a situation we all experience at some points in our journey…

Perhaps when relocating alone to a new city where we don’t know a single living soul.

Or after ending a troubled relationship with some backstabbing buddies.

No matter the starting point, the desired outcome is the same: making new solid friends & allies.

Season 6 Episode 20 GIF by Parks and Recreation

In the past few months, as I ran the first edition of my Lifestyle Design Academy, I was asked by the guys on the program to codify the “science” of creating relationships of trust and respect with others in a short time.

As part of one of the most enjoyed lectures in the program, I broke down 6 very effective ways to turn any acquaintances and personal contacts into real friends and tribal allies.

These can range from coworkers to Instagram contacts to the cool guy you just chatted with at the gym.

Today, to help out as many guys as possible to benefit from my content and grow their social networks, I decided to release a clip from that same lecture revealing that same 6-step formula. Click the link below to watch it:


P.SI’m excited to announce that in less than 24 hours, my Lifestyle Design Academy will officially launch for the 2021 edition.

This is my magnum opus. My most effective blueprint to architect and construct the seductive, social, and career life you’ve always dreamed of but never knew how to get/where to start from.

During the past year, members of the Academy have successfully used the training to become full-time digital nomads, relocate to different parts of the world (even during lockdown), construct epic social circles, throw lavish parties, enter the BDSM world, befriend high-end investors, and more.

This program is not a fixed template. Rather I provide you a comprehensive method to leverage important assets (e.g. your network, influence skills, location, personal expertise) to get access to any lifestyle path you want.

The mentorship runs for 12 months and takes place through weekly live Zoom lectures, advanced masterclasses with guest mentors, and personalized missions.

Most importantly, when you join you also get access to hundreds of other elite lifestyle designers like you in over 42 countries globally––the LDA brotherhood.

Many of them will become trusted allies and advisors in your journey, some perhaps even lifetime friends.

To get a free 30-min sneak peek lecture from the Academy and receive exclusive VIP offers as we enter the launch, click HERE.

Hope to see you on the first day of class 😉

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The #1 Lesson Lockdown Taught Me

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How To Double Your Income (exposing B.S wealth gurus)

The #1 Lesson Lockdown Taught Me

The global pandemic has been our savior, in a way.

Think about it…

Despite all the tragedy & chaos it reversed on humanity, it also taught us a fundamental lesson:

Sometimes, no matter what you do or how good you are, sh*t still happens.


This is a bitter one to swallow because it produces a gigantic dissonance with everything you’re taught while growing up.

Especially with the idea of always looking for the bright side of things, staying positive, and waiting for things to get better.

No matter how much positivity you manifest into the universe, the current events will still probably affect you in some negative way.

Statistics are showing a rapid surge in mental illnesses, depression, and sometimes even suicidal behavior among the male population caused by pandemic-induced isolation and home-confinement.

tv land shit happens GIF by YoungerTV

What’s worse, the general attitude of guys is either one of denial, distraction or or self blaming.

Loneliness, depression and isolation are very taboo topics amongst the male population.

But ironically, acknowledging your inner pain and mourning over your losses is the manliest thing you can do at the moment––it will make you grounded and give you peace and grace.


If you temporarily dive in and glance at the Abyss, you will discover a surprising truth:

Spending time in solitude does not need to equal feeling lonely. It is indeed a good occasion to create freedom, balance, and solidify your power.

To learn more about these topics and discover my two preferred methods to deal with loneliness & isolation, check my latest video. Link below:


P.S. If your dating life, social circle, or career have been temporarily shrunk or frozen by the lockdown, and you feel depressed knowing there’s no way out, I’ve got something to share with you…

While the world barely survived in this comatose state, I and my mentors & students still got laid plenty, traveled the world, and increased our social & financial capital.

How did we do it? By collaborating together.

The current global crisis is often too much to handle for one person, but when you join forces with others and leverage their help, epic success is still possible.

This is the core topic of my Lifestyle Design Academy, my most successful digital program launching tomorrow at 7 pm CET.

The LDA offers you 12-months of intensive mentorship with me and immediate access to my global network of hundreds of lifestyle designers, fellow coaches & world-class niche experts.

This is no prerecorded, cookie-cutter program…

The coaching is 100% live, conducted through weekly live Zoom lectures, dozens of missions, drills, and real time accountability systems.

When you combine it with the gigantic worldwide brotherhood I give you access to from day 1 in the course, you’ll be unstoppable.

To get a free 30-min lecture from the program and receive exclusive VIP offers as we enter the launch, click HERE.

Stay tuned for enrollment opening tomorrow evening. Hopefully see you on the first day of the academy.

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Lockdown Is Not The Real Problem (You Are)

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6 Ways To Get Loyal Friends

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Lockdown Is Not The Real Problem (You Are)

It’s a harsh truth but somebody has to say it..

If your seductive life & career have suffered because of lockdown, it is not just a case of bad luck.

Of course, the global crisis has spiraled outside of our control, especially in the past few months.

But your current life situation is also the direct outcome of countless choices (yt video link) you’ve made leading up to this day.

The external circumstance has just brought all the cracks into the light. It exposed how fragile and poorly constructed were the social, seductive, and work lives of many guys out there.

Their biggest mistake? Trying to do it all alone.

You can be as efficient, hardworking, and driven as you want but if everything revolves around you, you’re in a very unsafe position.

orange is the new black smile GIF

The moment you’re forced to stop making an effort to build your dream life––because of a global pandemic, for example––your entire life grinds to a halt.

To avoid this from happening to you again and reverse your situation immediately, you must include other people in the equation.

By collaborating with others and building a social circle of allies and trusted advisors which you can refer to, you’ll be able to take breaks from your hustle and be able to weather black swan events, without any negative effects.

I explain to you how to do this in my latest video. Link below:

P.SThe delicate process of building, and infiltrating, powerful social circles is one of the main topics covered in my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy, launching this Sunday, March 14th.

In the L.D.A, I not only mentor my students intensively for 12 months in designing an epic social & financially-free life, but I also give them immediate access to elite social circles when they join the program.

In fact, from day 1 of the training everyone is invited to join our global L.D.A network, counting hundreds of members & mentors specifically invited by me, who are happy to collaborate and advise you on how to create your unique masterpiece lifestyle.

Here is what one of them has to say about it…


To learn more about the program, get access to a free 30-min lecture and a one-hour coaching webinar with me going live TODAY, click HERE

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The Biggest Lies Told To Men

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The #1 Lesson Lockdown Taught Me

The Biggest Lies Told To Men

Since the day you’re born, people shamelessly lie to you.

But don’t blame them, they’re acting in good faith.

They want only the best for you…so they start seeding the idea of the “good life” in your mind…

Work hard, get good grades, be nice to people, find a well-paying job, and a pretty girlfriend, and you’ll be happy.

Let me share some personal insight on that, which I have acquired after working with many “traditionally successful” men as a dating & lifestyle coach for the past 15 years:

You’ll never be happy.

And it’s not your fault…

You’re hardwired by nature to experience a chronic state of dissatisfaction for the rest of your days.

No matter how many women you date.

Wine Flirt GIF by Just OK Tips

How large your bank account is.

Or how fast & expensive your newest sports car is.

The implication that by acquiring traditional success symbols, you’ll feel worthy and blissful is flawed.

If you want to reverse this natural tendency, there is only ONE thing you can do: shifting from a paradigm of “achieving and collecting” to one of “sharing & collaborating” with others.

This is not about objects or money, rather building leverage to create positive change in your life.

It’s a tricky topic to explain in one email, so I’ve just released a whole video diving deep into it. Click the link below to check it out.


P.S. The construction of the ideal masculine life is a complicated thing.

True self-accomplishment is not formed only out of “peak milestone events” like getting promoted or taking home a runaway model, but rather from a smartly designed, day-to-day sustainable, and fulfilling way of living.

That is the main topic of my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy opening its enrollments this Sunday, March 14th, for a select group of ambitious men.

The L.D.A is a 12-month coaching program personally taught by me & world-class guest coaches as we mentor you in designing and building your ideal epic lifestyle.

What does an ideal lifestyle look like? That depends on you…

For some, it’s the digital nomad dream. Sitting on a beach in Thailand, chilling with a cool international crew, and working on your terms.

For others, it’s about having the skillset and high-level operative knowledge to reach out to mentors & teachers in unique walks of life and turn passions like creative arts or coaching people into a profitable career.

The Academy tackles all of the above and much more, offering its students dozens of different lifestyle paths/options to develop, or just try out. That is achieved through a combination of weekly live Zoom lectures, drills & missions to practice on your own, regular masterclasses with guest speakers, as well as giving you immediate access to a large global network of hundreds of other lifestyle designers to collaborate with.

If you are curious about learning more about the program, you can get access right now to one of the lectures for free to see how it works. Click HERE to check it out!

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You Suck! (& Why Frustration Is Good For You)

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