The #1 Mistake Successful Men Make (don’t underestimate this)

Do you ever feel there’s not enough time in your day to do everything you want?

For most guys,focusing only on financial success comes with a heavy price…

The richer you get, the less you’re able to enjoy your life.

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Before you realize it, it’s all about working harder.

Harder than your competitors.

Harder than you did last week.

Harder than Gary Vee told you to hustle.

But as your work capacity and career take off, what’s left of your life?

Neglected and handicapped KEY character areas.

That doesn’t change the fact that a strong work ethic and discipline are major assets required to succeed in a man’s life.

But you need to balance them out with something else equally as important.

To find out what that is, check my latest video. Link below:


P.SI’m back on the road for a new epic season of seduction & lifestyle design workshops!

That means you can now spend 4, 7, or 10 intensive days (up to 80+ hours of personalized coaching per student) learning from me and the entire TNL crew as we mentor you in achieving your most satisfying results in your romantic and social lives.

Click HERE to check our next training dates.

Currently, to guarantee the maximum safety for both our students and team coaches, as well as the bare minimum level of social restrictions, we decided to host most of our programs in Kyiv, Ukraine.

As I write this, I’m in the city myself, and the whole scene is vibrant and dazzling. Probably one of the best locations in 2021 to meet some of the most attractive, socially & sexually liberated women in the world.

To join me on your next epic journey of ultimate seductive success, click HERE.

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How to be more social (practical explanation)

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We interviewed girls on boyfriends & relationships! (full video)

How to be more social (practical explanation)

Actions speak louder than words…however, words are more powerful than swords.

This is something that every man who struggles to express himself knows deep inside…

The most “social” and silver-tongued guys often get all the girls.

That’s a key lesson every TNL student has to go through during our coaching programs:

“How to be more social”.

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Being social is not to be confused with being a high-energy dancing monkey or artificially trying to behave as an extrovert.

Being social means, above all other things, interacting with a large variety of people daily without trying to directly get something from them (e.g. sleeping with them).

Ultimately, a social man is social with everyone.

Including other men, older people, kids, and even women he is not attracted to.

Why? Because personal charm, empathy, and good conversation skills are not something you can just switch on/off.

And by the time you’re put in front of a beautiful woman, you must be ready.

If you want to learn how to become more social and magnetic naturally, and without faking your personality, check my latest video. Link below:


P.SIf you want to get 40+ hours of intensive, in-person mentorship on how to expand your social & seductive universes, I’ve got great news for you…

Our 2021 coaching season has recently begun, and you can now join the entire TNL team on a personal journey to build your dream dating lifestyle as the world slowly begins to open back.

We currently have a few spots left for our 4-day Intensive program in Kyiv, Ukraine, running from May 20th-23rd, 2021. We’ve run several live workshops in Ukraine in the past year, and I can confidently say this is probably the best place in the world right now to meet tons of stunning, socially open women in a very safe way.

Click HERE to learn how the program works and why there’s nothing like it available elsewhere on how to transform your masculine reality.

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How to close every girl (the “strike rate” booster revealed)

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The #1 Mistake Successful Men Make (don’t underestimate this)

How to close every girl (the “strike rate” booster revealed)

“If you can’t measure something, you cannot manage it”.

As a guy who loved maths and all sorts of analytical subjects since childhood, I can’t agree more with this quote.

And I think this is an aspect of success and self-growth most people do not really consider…

Measuring your progress.

Well Done Adventure GIF by Sarah's Scribbles

After all, what is the point of working hard and hustling if you have no positive metrics to compare yourself to?

When it comes to seduction & dating success 99% of men only value one thing: getting into the bedroom ASAP (or taking her contact, as long as it leads there).

Thus a very infamous term was born, the “closing rate”, namely how many girls you get into bed compared to the total number of girls you approached.


But is your close rate really the only way to assess good dating skills?

When I coach guys at our live programs, they’re often shocked when I reveal to them that I get good results out of nearly every single approach I make.

That’s because I have several ways to turn the interaction in my favor and get epic seductive results out of it that do not involve just sleeping with the girl right away.

Things like taking her number and getting introduced to her group of attractive female friends (and have fun with them 😉 ).

Or adding her to my Instagram so that she’s attracted by my lifestyle and hits me up as soon as she breaks up with her boyfriend.

If you want to learn how to massively increase your closing rate, check my latest video. Link below:


P.SIf you’re serious about improving your seductive results & overall lifestyle success, I invite you to join me for a 4-day intensive dating & social success journey this May in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Our live programs are the best way to download & install into your brain decades of condensed seduction experience so that you’re able, as soon as the training is over, to keep coaching yourself and continuously increase the quality of the women you date.

Everything is covered, from approaching in all sorts of scenarios to getting her contacts, organizing a date, overcoming boyfriend objections, texting, throw parties with multiple girls, taking her back to your place, handling multiple women, and more.

If you want to learn more about our training formula, click HERE.

Alternatively, you can get right away on a call with me or another coach to discuss a 100% personalized training solution that fits your current situation, needs, ambitions, and obstacles in dating and social success in general. Click HERE for that.

And If you want to see firsthand the kind of results you can get once you start to implement an effective and measurable method in your dating life, follow me on my personal Instagram by clicking HERE.

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Did your past f*ck you up badly?

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How to be more social (practical explanation)

Did your past f*ck you up badly?

Are you satisfied with your life up to this very day?

Before you answer, realize the following:

Wherever you are right now, that’s exactly where you need to be.

Of course, the past year and a half have been pretty rough for everyone.

But still, some people experienced severe depression and boredom while others thrived even during lockdown.

Why is that?

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve probably heard me talking about the importance of having a well-designed lifestyle and social world––that’s the most important step towards true happiness.

But sometimes, none of that can happen unless you first break the chains that have been holding you down for years…

Your past stored painful memories.

Those are responsible for nearly every major confidence, social, and dating issue you’ve ever experienced.

Contributing to a constant internal “state of emergency” that never allows you to relax and connect with others.

If you want to learn how to effectively clean your past in order to build a successful future, check my latest video. Click on the link below to watch it:

P.SWant to change the course of your life and become confident in dating high-quality women in 2021? Our coaching season has just begun!

For the next few months, you can get coached personally by me and the entire TNL crew by joining our upcoming 4, or 7-day live seduction workshops.

Every workshop covers extensively everything you’ll ever need to know about approaching women in multiple environments, having intriguing conversations, building masculine charisma, getting her number, texting frameworks, setting up social media funnels, organizing sexy dates, taking her back to your place without resistance and more.

I handpicked every program location to make sure it fulfills 3 fundamental criteria:

✓ Lockdown free.

✓ Safe to travel to & easy to reach no matter where you are located in the world.

✓ Filled to the brim with exotic, socially open stunners.

To check our coaching schedule, click HERE.

Alternatively, you can speak to one of our coaches to design a personalized training solution that fits your exact needs & challenges. Click HERE for that.

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My favorite life-hack

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How to close every girl (the “strike rate” booster revealed)

My favorite life-hack

Life is not endless, yet we all waste lots of years trying to “figure things out”.

It takes tons of hard work and constant practice to become masterful at stuff, so you better pick something––e.g., a skill or a career path––early and devote years to getting good at it.

That’s how 99% of people approach success.

But it’s not your only option…

In fact, you can speed up the whole process by taking a shortcut.

That’s called working with elite-level mentors.

People who spent decades obsessively getting expert at their craft and who are now willing to take others under their wing and impart their learnings to them.

Working with mentors is the ONE and only cheat code I’ve ever used repeatedly throughout my life.

A short 5-min conversation with them can potentially save you years of banging your head against the wall trying to overcome obstacles & sticking points.


But finding the right teachers is not that easy.

First, you need to find someone that is not only excellent at what he does but also capable of teaching it to others.

Then, you need to convince this person to mentor you. As you can imagine, the more in-demand someone is, the harder you have to convince him to work with you specifically.

I talk about this topic and my personal journey with mentors in my latest video. Click the link below to watch it.

P.S. The Natural Lifestyles is the primary example of mentoring done the right way. Our coaches, including myself, have not only worked hard for 5-10 years each to become excellent seducers and lifestyle designers but are also constantly refining their teaching methods through students’ feedback and supplemental training with other elite masters.

When you join one of our live programs what you get is essentially decades of social mastery experience & insights packaged into a practical and minimalistic method, as well as 80+ hours of in-person coaching to apply it to your specific situation and needs until it becomes second nature.

If you want to get your dating & social lives sorted once and for all in 2021, you can check our upcoming coaching schedule by clicking HERE.

Alternatively, you can also have a call with me to figure out a personalized mentoring solution for you by clicking HERE.

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What are you trying to prove?

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Did your past f*ck you up badly?

What are you trying to prove?

Are you pursuing women and social success for the right reasons? It might sound counterintuitive to some, but “proving” yourself by getting more girls into bed doesn’t necessarily mean you’re improving as a man.


In fact, it might actually be an indicator of the opposite: regression.

Lots of guys are drawn to seduction and lifestyle work as ways to compensate for their wounded egos and get “revenge on the world” more than to enjoy themselves & the company of others.

Realistically, you cannot completely detach yourself from your past experiences, neither should you want to. But don’t let them dictate every single choice you make in the future either.

Instead, adopt the Adventurer Mindset…

Stop trying to live up to some external fantasies to prove yourself and others you’re cool and seek new experiences for the sake of it.

No expectations, nor unhealthy attachment to results, but simply following your inspiration.

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Paradoxically, your success rate with girls will explode once you start doing this.

That’s because they’ll realize you don’t need them to feel good about yourself, and so they will begin to “chase”.

But this is something you cannot fake.

If you want to learn how to authentically give a lot less fuc*s in life and start improving as a man, check my latest video below.


P.SIf you want to make sure that your 2021 is full of epic adventures & seductive opportunities but don’t know how to make that happen, keep reading…

Our new coaching season has just started, and that means you get the opportunity of being mentored 80+ hours live in the entire TNL dating & lifestyle design curriculum.

Currently, we have some spots left for the intensive 4-day programs, the complete 7-day workshop, and even the infamous 10-day EuroTour.

Every workshop is guaranteed to teach you everything there is to know to get great at approaching women, having intriguing conversations, texting, setting dates, taking her home, organizing social circle events & more.

All our locations are completely lockdown-free, safe to travel to, and filled to the brim with attractive & socially open women.

To learn more about our coaching calendar and how the programs work, click HERE.

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Why women are uncomfortable in your presence

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My favorite life-hack

Why women are uncomfortable in your presence

Ever had a conversation with a girl where she’s too quiet and only replies in short statements?

“Yes”. “Oh, cool”. “No, I don’t”.

I’ve been in that situation many times, and it feels pretty awkward.

Like she has no consideration for you, and you gotta do insane amounts of talking to avoid losing her.

So, how do you get her to invest more in the conversation?

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Most guys view this as an “attraction problem”, and so they try to impress her by teasing her, telling funny jokes or crazy stories to prove they’re cool.

That’s a major mistake.

If you only focus on that, you’ll just create excessive pressure and she will close up even more.

And you actually want the exact opposite to happen: to make her open up.

Because most of the time, if a girl is comfortable and feels a strong connection with you, she will naturally become attracted.

If you want to learn how to create comfort verbally and overall improve your success rate in a natural, non-manipulative way, watch my latest video.

In it, I analyze some brand new infield footage I’ve recorded in 2021 and reveal to you the most important cues on how to connect with girls during daygame.

Click on the link below to watch it


P.SIf you want to ignite your dating & social success in a weird year such as 2021, without having to get lost in hyper-saturated apps like Tinder, we’ve got your back…

Our 4-day live workshops are the perfect solution for those brave men wanting to master the art of dating & re-design their lifestyle to go from scarcity to seductive abundance.

In them, you’ll be coached intensively and individually for over 30 hours combined, learning state of art blueprints for approaching in all sorts of environments, having seductive conversations, texting & social media, taking girls back home, and more.

Currently, we have a few spots left for the Kyiv Intensive running from May 20th-May 23rd, and one of them can be yours if you’re swift and motivated enough to join.

To learn more about it, or speaking with me directly to see whether it is a good fit for your current situation and obstacles, click HERE.

P.P.S. If you need further proof that it’s still possible to have an epic lifestyle and get lots of good seductive results even during lockdown times, follow me on my personal Instagram by clicking HERE (

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Will you waste 2021 too?

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What are you trying to prove?