4 Steps To Start A Business (No Lambos, No B.S. promises)

Are you tired of grinding in the corporate hamster wheel?

Spitting blood and putting all your time into someone else’s dream…

“It’s 2021…Time to start a business bro…To become your own boss!”

All you need is a laptop, a video course costing a few hundred bucks teaching basic service providing, and you’re all set for lifetime entrepreneurial success.

But is it really that simple?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (US), nearly 70% of new businesses fail within 10 years of their launch.

This data is not meant to scare you off from pursuing your own entrepreneurial dream, but if you’re truly firm about going this route, you must understand what you’re getting into…

Although I’ve managed to create a successful business that has steadily grown for over 10 years, I’m no “business guru” boasting Lambos and bookshelves…


…Neither do I aspire to become one, but as I’ve befriended and coached many wealthy entrepreneurs throughout the years, I’ve learned that the most successful ones are those who focus on 4 main things:

First, they pick a good business idea. This is perhaps the hardest part of the process because most people either waste years trying to come up with something, or they dive headfirst into business by following a passion that leads nowhere (e.g entering a hyper-saturated market).

Second, they make a realistic Income Plan. They assess their expenses to start the venture and keep it going, while also considering how long before they’ll able to make a real profit.

Third, they continually test & implement new methods to optimize their hustle. In fact, the best biz. owners I know are those who progressively managed to remove themselves from the business and “work less” by delegating mid-level tasks to others.

Finally, the most successful entrepreneurs schedule “off-time” in their calendar. In my opinion, the whole point of choosing self-employment is to ultimately create a life of freedom and fulfillment. Unfortunately, many business owners let the business completely eat their life. Learning to black in “off time/you time” is vital for your long-term health and happiness.

As you probably realized by now, starting and running your own venture––while keeping your social & dating lives intact––is no easy task, despite what all the Instagram motivational posts will tell you.

To help you better understand how real digital and offline entrepreneurs conduct their operations, I’ve released a video explaining the 4 steps above in detail and how to adapt each one of them to your situation to successfully “become your own boss”.

Click the link below to watch it.

P.SPerhaps the most common trait shared by my elite business contacts is that each one of them has built large global networks, throughout the years, of collaborators and friends who are willing to help them out whenever challenges arise and to trade insider secrets, investment opportunities and evolving strategies for success.

When first starting out in your early years of business it can be hard to access elite and knowledgeable networks and mentors.

But the good news is that you’ll be able to join the largest and most diverse network I’m part of, by booking your place in my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy, launching on March 14th.

When you join the L.D.A, you’ll get immediate access to our global “Lifestyle Design Inner Circle”, a secret task-force group counting hundreds of elite members, including many of our TNL coaches & business partners, all sharing epic visions for our collective and individual ambitions.

Lots of these guys are successful entrepreneurs themselves, while others have built incredibly successful careers, and no matter who you are…they’ll help you and your business out.

Stay tuned for some epic LDA Insiders content, and a very special invitation, coming your way in the next few days 😉

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The Best Investment In 2021 (1000% ROI)

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The Best Investment In 2021 (1000% ROI)

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the latest insane investment opportunities:

BTC’s price skyrocketing, teenagers turning into millionaires after purchasing shares from a semi-deceased videogame retailer company.

You might be asking yourself: how do these people do it?

Here’s the caveat...

According to research, up to 40% of the “new rich” internet investors have acquired their wealth not because of some secret understanding of the market but by merely trusting someone else’s advice.

I myself have earned significant profits from cryptocurrencies and real-estate, despite knowing very little about those subjects.


In my case, my network of mentors, élite specialists, and close friends does the work for me, suggesting to me when to short, buy, or hold.

But this is not limited only to financial opportunities.

After coaching very successful men in the social arts for the past 12 years, I realized that individual skills and expertise are often not enough to make a difference in terms of real success.

What separates the real pros in any field from everyone else is not what they know…

Stock Market Loop GIF by xponentialdesign

…But who they know (and what you know about who you know AND… how much they give a sh*t about you).

Work hard as a lone-wolf and you will get somewhere, collaborate with ten other elite guys and you will get 10 times as far.

It is as simple and effective as that.

Without the ability to connect with people beyond a baseline level of politeness and turn them into loyal friends and allies, you’re bound to experience only a fraction of your full potential.

Once you start approaching things this way, you’ll realize that there is ONE key asset you must own before you can start to make money, and people, work for you.

To find out what that is, watch my latest video. Link below.

P.SIf you’ve always wanted to learn the exact steps to build a social circle & tribe and gain access to epic adventures, investment opportunities, and abundance with women, you can do so by joining my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy 2.0.

This is an 8-week accelerated mentorship program in which you’ll be coached by me personally through weekly interactive live lectures, Q&A sessions, weekly practical missions drills, and get access to dozens of hours of unreleased TNL lifestyle teachings.

The course will open for enrollments on March 14th, 2021, and will accept applications for one week only; after that time is over, the coaching sessions will begin right away 😉

Stay tuned for more information and exclusive bonuses that I will send to you in the coming weeks.

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The Art Of Gardening (& Rockstar-Level Lifestyle Success)

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4 Steps To Start A Business (No Lambos, No B.S. promises)

The Art Of Gardening (& Rockstar-Level Lifestyle Success)

We all have guilty pleasures.

Many people crave sweets, booze, psychedelic drugs, and steamy orgies.

I prefer gardening, (actually I like some of those too) and here’s why you should too…

In 2020 alone, I invested significant amounts of my capital and time in renovating my 40-acre property in Portugal by combining advanced landscape architecture techniques with permaculture principles.


See? That’s me 😉

The thing that fascinates me the most about gardening work is the possibility to use proven techniques and tools to artificially speed-up––and complete in a few years––natural processes that organically would take decades to realize (if they did at all).

It really feels like having god-like powers of some sort.


Now, bear with me for one second and imagine you’re a gardener as well, and you decide to join me for some time to plant seeds together.

But instead of olive trees and edibles, we strategically plant seeds in your social life that with the right treatment are going to germinate and increase your social and sexual opportunities 10x faster compared to what you’ve tried before.

Would you give it a try?

For the past 12 years, while growing TNL, I’ve been coaching a small focus group of elite, high-paying clients on the side in what I believe to be a true “germination accelerator” of social success…


I called it the “Seductive Economy” method.

Today, after years in the vault, and to help as many men as possible to make the best of these hard times, I decided to release a video explaining in detail how the Seductive Economy works and how you can apply it to your own life.

Click the link below to watch it.

P.SIf you liked the idea of us spending four seasons together breaking down your social life and planting scientifically engineered super-seeds that will tremendously enhance it, I’ve got good news for you…

You can do so by joining my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy launching on March 14th.

L.D.A is an intensive 8-week mentorship followed by ten months of lectures entirely hosted by me and a number of selected world-class coaches that I regularly invite on weekly live Zoom classes to coach the students. In the program, we cover very diverse lifestyle design topics such as advanced sexual mastery, BDSM, Tantra, but also online (& offline) business strategies, traveling hacks, social circle engineering, movement culture, masculinity rewiring, archetypal psychology, shamanism, and many more others.

There are over 50 hours of live lectures and 50+ hours of never-before-released support material in the upcoming LDA.

The whole idea behind the training is to give you the most effective toolbox ever released to build (or improve) your dream lifestyle under all the most important metrics.

Stay tuned for enrollments opening 14th of March.

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Will your friends betray you?

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The Best Investment In 2021 (1000% ROI)

Will your friends betray you?

True friendships are like investment funds..

You need to invest resources into them regularly if you want to make real profits, and the risk of getting screwed big time is always present.

Yet, unlike gambling and stocks, having a kickass network of friends, partners, and wingmen around you is a core necessity if you want to lead a joyful and successful life.

Betray Jack Black GIF by Tenacious D

Does that mean that betrayal and painful conflicts between friends are inevitable?

Maybe, but not necessarily.

If you know how to establish solid boundaries from the get-go and effectively confront others, you can keep the damages to a minimum and maximize the good stuff.

Part of the “maximizing” process is also knowing when to fight to prevent the boat from sinking, and when to just let go of people.

Sometimes even the best partnerships are bound to end in a few years’ time.

Priorities change, and people who were once aligned in both vision and purpose suddenly depart from each other; a new cycle of the hero’s journey begins, and new potential collaborators enter your reality.

Only the strongest, most authentic, and mutually-invested relationships will survive.


The good news? Most of this process is completely within your control.

Once you understand how to quickly spot red flags, use direct negotiation skills to permanently clear misunderstandings, and get other people to invest in you to create unbreakable trust, your social success & confidence will reach new peaks.

I reveal some of my most powerful strategies of the above in my latest video. Click the link below to watch it.


P.S. Finding the right new friends and collaborators isn’t easy.

If you’re not involved in some environment that encourages socializing and getting to know each other like high-school or college (that’s why most people reach their “popularity peak” during those years), it will take you a while before stumbling into someone compatible with you.

Back when I started seduction almost 15 years ago, I waited a good couple of years before finding my first real wing-man and the same amount of time to break things off with him.

But you don’t have to go through the same hurdle…

In my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy, launching on March 14th, I give you complete access to my entire personal network of elite coaches, business owners, fitness & sexuality specialists, and many more.

Plus, when you join the L.D.A community you’ll be instantly introduced to hundreds of aspirant lifestyle designers from around the world, like you who are resolute both in mindset and purpose and are willing to collaborate with you on epic projects, such as our current Academy member Tobias…


To make sure you receive all the updates & some EPIC bonuses when I officially open the enrollment to a limited number of men on March 14th, keep checking my next emails.

Talk soon

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The Truth About Ayahuasca

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The Art Of Gardening (& Rockstar-Level Lifestyle Success)