NOV 1ST - NOV 4TH 2024

Barcelona Workshop

1 spot(s) available
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4-day program in Barcelona

Covering everything from Inner Game, Meditation, Social Freedom, Communication, Dates, Texting and much more...

The TNL Intensive is a comprehensive introduction to the TNL Natural Seduction system and framework, meant for men who don’t necessarily have the budget for the 7-day Intensive programs, but still want the valuable, time-saving advice and coaching that comes from working live in person with some of the world’s best dating coaches.

Inside the TNL Intensive, you’re brought through a more concise version of the exact same program taught on every TNL live program, broken down into its essential components.

Your Coaches in Barcelona

Shae Matthews

Inner Game Coach

Our resident Inner Game coach, Shae Matthews specializes in removing a student’s internal blockages, and rewiring their core beliefs through a combination of meditation, NLP and other techniques to help them fast track their way to success with women...

More about Shae

Alex León

Executive Coach

Alex brings a unique perspective to the coaching team having had humble beginnings as an introverted German/Austrian heavily invested in electronics and programming, only to break free and embrace a new way of connecting with women and the world.

More about Alex

Jonathan Thomsen

Executive Coach

Like many at The Natural Lifestyles, Jon has been around since the early days as James Marshall’s best friend in High School.
Over the years Jon has watched James go from a poor hippy musician to the world’s most successful dating coach, and is now bringing his own style of natural game to the team.

More about Jonathan


What you’ll learn in this live program

Every day consists of both theory workshops and hours of live infield, on the mic coaching with instant feedback to show you what to do to jump leaps and bounds in your skills with women.

The workshops will comprise of both seduction theory and concepts, as well as in-person application with female role-play models. We’re one of the few dating coaching companies who provide such a service, but we’ve found it to be the fastest way to get students to have massive breakthroughs in their mindsets and skills with women.

Throughout the program, the coaches are there to answer any questions and queries you might have, while guiding you to approach women in any environment while getting numbers and dates.

While we are constantly tailoring the program and coaching to the individual students on workshop, here is a brief overview of the curriculum, day by day.

Day 1

Day 1



Every day starts with awareness meditation and masculinity training class

Individualised Feedback

Each day also has infield sessions to work on social freedom, approaching, conversation and closing with individualised microphone feedback

Goal setting and expectations

We’ll help you set your goals and desires for the workshop, so that you know what you’re working towards over the next 4 days

The 5 seductive intents

The 5 seductive intents that run through every seduction and how and what it feels like to project them through your eyes

How to stop girls

How to stop a girl on the street with ease and zero awkwardness (if you get this right, it’s a lot easier to start a conversation without any problems)

First text

The 2 most important things in a first text (it’s possible to recover from this, but could mean the difference between having dates and having flakes)


Day 2

Day 2


Fashion 101

The coaches will help you decide which sexual archetype you best represent, and help you tweak your wardrobe to start attracting the women you want

Physical Touch

How to properly initiate physical touch and contact with a girl when you’re talking to her (You’ll be shown this with live female models on the second day of the workshop)

Powerful Silence

Why not speaking as much is often the fastest way to get a girl interested, investing and wanting to see you again. (This will be further drilled with live female models)

How to close

When and how to go for a number, or an instant date (knowing what to do in this situation is vital to making a proper first connection with a woman)


Day 3

Day 3


Conversational Frameworks

The conversational frameworks to get a woman investing and qualifying herself to you. Done right, this makes seduction 10 times easier as you change the dynamic from you doing all the work to her working for your approval and attention

Sexual Intent

How to shift conversation topics from boring small talk to sexually charged topics, without coming across as creepy or overly sexual (doing this shows a woman you’re going to be the kind of man she wants in the bedroom)

Ways to Touch

Subtle ways to touch a woman in a way that creates massive sexual tension (that way when you lean in to kiss her, she’s practically begging for it)


How to set up dates that naturally end up in the bedroom: often enough, guys are working against themselves by setting up dates in situations that can rarely lead to sex. Instead, we’ll show you a simple logistic framework you can use to set up dates that consistently end with sex.


Day 4

Day 4


Goal setting and Expectations Review

In the last theory workshop, we go over your goals and expectations for the future, and how to take the next steps after you return back to your home city. Where most men fall off is the follow up action, but we’ll make sure you know what to do to keep the ball rolling

Sex and Female Sexuality

What most men will never learn about sex, and how to be a better lover and seducer than most men will ever be

Your Personal Blueprint to seductive Success

Our coaches will review your infield performance over the program, and point out where you need the most work, and where you’re doing fine, and the simple tweaks you need to make going forward to keep improving.

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Start your journey now
100% free inquiry. Get a free consulting call with one of our TNL team members.

Here's our promise to you

Any man who comes on a TNL Intensive Residential will leave with the tools to become the seducer he wants to become, and the roadmap to doing so. In just 4 days, you’ll be given the entire comprehensive overview on what you’re doing wrong with women and what you’re doing right, and the key steps to fixing your faults while amplifying your strengths.

No one can walk away from this program without knowing that he has the power to get what he wants with women, and the ways and means to do so.

After the live program, you’ll also be added into the TNL alumni Facebook group where you can connect with other students in your city, to keep you accountable to achieving the goals you’ve set on the program.

If you're interested,
here's what to do next

Fill in the form below and indicate which TNL Intensive Residential you’re interested in, and a team member will be in contact with you very soon.

If you’re interested, here’s what to do next:

Keep in mind – the opportunity you have in front of you will not last forever. Unless you seize the moment and take action now, the chances of you setting in stone the actions that can change your love life forever will not happen.

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Start your journey now
100% free inquiry. Get a free consulting call with one of our TNL team members.