The Best Cities For Men In 2021

Often success principles transcend the context they’ve been developed in, as is the case for this famous real estate mantra:

“Location! Location! Location!

In the world of investment properties, the above means that the value of a specific estate is determined by the geographic area the estate is located in.

The same rule holds for lifestyle & social success.

For example, if a guy is trying to maximize his seductive results and date several beautiful women in a city like San Francisco (US), where the male population largely outnumbers the female one, his results will strongly differ than if he did the same in Budapest (EU).

Same guy, same game, but opposite outcomes.

This is a fundamental lifestyle design criteria that most men ignore, but that largely influences the magnitude of their success.


If you want to experience the best the world has to offer, you should be willing to move around it.

This is probably the quickest and most effective social-life success booster I know of.

I’ve moved cities at least a dozen times at this point in my life, and on each occasion, I’ve learned new ways of living, built new networks, and have continually leveraged my position with my collaborators to keep multiplying my results.

In case you’re willing to give this a try but don’t know where to go next, I’ve released a short video guide on “the best cities for men in 2021”. You can watch it by clicking on the link below.


P.SDespite the tremendous positive changes that it creates, not everyone might be able to relocate somewhere new right away…

Some guys might be stuck in a career they’re not passionate about, but they need to pay the bills.

Others hesitate because they have no contacts outside of their cities and don’t want to spend their days in loneliness. Finally, some people might now be able to travel at all because of lockdown restrictions.

If you’re in a similar situation you can temporarily reproduce the benefits of relocating by doing what I call “vagabonding in your city”. That means re-approaching your city with tourist’s eyes, trying out places you never really resonated with, going to bars and cafes in remote, unexplored parts of your town while interacting with new people.

I explain how to do this, as well as how to effectively design your “escape plan” in my upcoming Lifestyle Design Academy launching on March 14th.

The L.D.A is a vast toolbox providing you different lifestyle blueprints/templates you can adapt to your specific situation to kickstart new lifestyle paths. Currently, we cover dozens of options such as the digital nomad scene, the worldwide invite-only BDSM industry, shamanism, advanced sexuality & tantra, online business strategies, movement culture & more.

What’s more, the most exclusive topics are also taught by a number of world-class masters who I frequently invite to join me for my 12 months of live mentorship throughout the LDA course.

Stay tuned for more information about the enrollment process coming your way very soon 😉

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