This Is Why You’re Constantly Stressed – How To Chill Out
Shae goes though basic steps of calming down and going into focus mode.
Shae goes though basic steps of calming down and going into focus mode.
James explains why being able to approach women isn’t the ultimate goal.
James goes deep into the world beautiful women truly experience and how her decision to flake on you is much more nuanced than you may have first thought.
James talks with Sasha about the experiences that led them to discovering themselves.
James talks with Saida Desilets about toxic patterns of behaviors in men and women, maturation ceremonies, and how arousal works.
James and Shae discuss conspiracy theories and why people are driven to fringe ideologies
James and John Keegan talk about settling in their quarantine spaces, BDSM, nutrition and meeting David Bowie.
James and Hayley Quinn talk about meeting people and communicating with mentors.
James talks about the myth of one “true” way of living your life, and how toxic masculinity of our ancestors has impacted our lives.