First date: how to not f*ck it up (4 rules)

Know what’s one of the most flawed, dangerous assumptions guys make in dating?

“If she agrees to go out with you, you’ve already won”.

In some way, there’s truth to it…

When a woman agrees to meet you for a first date, chances are she feels more attraction and connection than a total stranger.

But it’s not a guarantee she will go home with you or see you again.

True stories of hilariously awkward first dates have inspired countless films, series, and works of fiction.

Just ask any of your female friends.

Nearly every girl can list a dozen or more guys she went for drinks with but deeply regrets.

If you want to make sure you don’t end up in any, I suggest you go and watch my latest video below asap.

In it, I outline four subtle mistakes and ‘logistical problems’ that are spoiling your chances to close the deal and build relationships:


P.S. Want to learn the #1 skill that will scientifically help you convert more approaches into dates?

I’m talking about social media (but NOT in the way you know it!).

If curious to discover why Instagram has become one of the best opportunities in 2022 to get hotter women, check my free 3-part guide HERE.

Summer is passing, and so is the opportunity to get coached by TNL in person this year.

We only have a handful of spots left for those looking to work intensively with me, James, and the crew––in some of the most socially-vibrant cities on the planet––to take their dating and lifestyle results to elite levels.

If determined to make it finally happen, book a call with my enrollment team below asap:

> Speak with us

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How to deal with crazy b*tchy hot women (try this)

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Your smartphone is killing your dating life

The ‘Core’ of any successful approach (no lies)

You can’t fake your way through when seducing women.

Sure, you can invent some grandiose stories and pretend to be smooth and confident…

…For a date or two.

But ultimately, who you truly are will always come through.

And if you lack self-love and trust in the fact that others can be seduced by the ‘real you’, things will fall apart.

Women Seduce GIF by Luh Kel

That’s why we at TNL focus a great deal of our work with each student on the internal aspects of dating.

The so-called ‘core’ of attraction and seduction––your character and set of beliefs.

Only after tackling these pivotal foundations, you can start exploring the outer layers of the seductive process––the technical aspects.

Think about it, a Ferrari will never win a race despite having the best suspensions, tires, or experienced pilot if it lacks an engine.

In the same way, no seduction skills will ever make up for poor self-esteem and sense of self.

If you want to learn how to practically get better at dating, both internally and externally, watch our latest video. In it, you’ll see TNL’s newest female instructor Virag Tierra coaching in real-time some of our students on how to become both effortlessly more confident and successful with girls.

Click on the link below to watch it

P.S. Looking to get coached privately by Virag in one the wildest and most filled to the brim with attractive women locations on the planet?

Running from January 10-12 2021, TNL will land for the first time in history in Miami, Florida!

This is your chance to master the world’s most effective system of natural seduction and masculine improvement while spending dozens of hours meeting exotic women in sunny Miami boulevards and receiving real-time feedback by Virag.

If interested, click on the link below to speak with our enrollment team:

=> Click here to speak with us

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Why men feel miserable

PUA vs. Being Natural

A seducer and a PUA are not the same thing. There is more than a semantic difference; it’s about two completely different and opposing mindsets. The age of the Pick Up Artist is dying, as men who want real internal change are seeing the unsatisfying results of lines, fake personalities and ego gratification.

The transformation you go through as a man internally is much more meaningful and fruitful than just seducing women. So that only leaves you with what option? Yes, you’re right. You. Your natural self is the most attractive thing to a woman. Men in the normal world, hide their flaws, their opinions and their sexuality.

PUA’s present a stylized and compensatory front, Natural seducers bare all. There is this amazing saying I heard somewhere that goes “Women are attracted to your rough spots”. This means exactly that what is most attractive about you is both what is loved by many and not accepted by many. Let’s take a further look into why being natural is more challenging than memorizing lines but your best route to attracting the most desirable women who love you for you.
The most appealing parts that you can show a woman are the parts that most people don’t see. Not your cock you nasty fuckers (although later you will), but the raw aspects that really define your character.

Here’s 2 examples of recent dates I had where my honesty led to polar results

Example 1. Acceptance:

I met a woman in the nightclub and she said, “What is your favorite movie?” Now, my favorite at the time was Frozen. I had a choice in that moment to guess what I thought she wanted to hear to make me appear alpha or to just give the Disney truth. Of course I took the truth. And something beautiful happened. She said “Oh my god I love that movie. I love Olaf”. And we both hugged and kissed. Now, I’m an open-relationship with this woman and we have watched Frozen numerous times together.

Example 2. Non - Acceptance:

I was on a date with an L’ Oreal makeup artist and she was a very classy woman. Well dressed and wanted chivalry from me the whole night. As we are on the date she says, “Now, tell me some words to describe you?” So, as I’m saying words I say, “I’m sexual” and say a few more. I end she goes “Why would say your sexual on the first date with someone? It’s a bit awkward.” I said, “Well, I’m just being honest”. Guessing her reply to me saying that, you know where the date ended up. We never spoke again after that day.

So, I had the choice in both instances to give a part that I thought was more PUAish or what I thought she wanted to hear, or just plainly give her the truth of who I am. Both women reacted strongly to my truth. The first became more attracted the second was completely turned off. Those are the responses you want. To have the majority of women you talk to like you is not your aim. No seducer is 100% or anywhere close to that, nor should they be trying to be. If 90% of women you talk to like you (in a generic way), you’re not showing them exactly who you are. Show exactly who you are, your true desire without apology. Then, watch how the tide turns.

PUA’s follow what they’re “supposed to do” based on rigid external ideas while Naturals follow their truth, desire and integrity. Put a PUA in a club and he will try to seduce the hottest women in the room. He will be so attached to his image of getting that hot girl that he will diminish his integrity, put him in his head and as a result he’s unlikely to get her. Put a Natural in the club and he will seduce the women who he best matches up with. The hottest girl in the club is not the pinnacle woman. She is just another woman who still needs to be qualified and engaged with on a deep level, to see if you’re right for each other. The Natural may still approach her; walk up to her with presence, integrity, and truth and speak to her. He will be qualifying her to see if she’s a cool girl and worthy to see again, just like he does to all women. If so, great. If not, he will simply move on. Men get so caught up on achieving that super-hot girl in the club that they forget about what is amazing for the soul. Of course allow your instant attraction to lead you to whoever you want but operate the same way as if you would with a woman who is cute.I hope this clears up the mindset difference between being Natural and being a “PUA”.

The pursuit of beauty solely to boost your ego will in the long run be a hollow journey and ironically you’ll get much hotter, incredible women by first becoming clear of what real standards are important to you. So, start now. Be completely natural by showing women who you are exactly, vulnerabilities, quirks and all. You can either build a mask and armor based on a false Pick Up Artist identity or act through your exact and natural self, while continuing to develop yourself into the ideal man you wish to be. The choice is yours. Until next, my fellow seducers.

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Learning Seduction is not Optional (Video)

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Make Seduction Fun (3 rules)

Why Women Are AFRAID Of Being Approached

Why Women Are AFRAID Of Being Approached

The Nightmare You’re Not Seeing

When you’re first starting out at seduction it’s easy to be so focused on your own fears and

anxieties around meeting women that you forget about how a woman is experiencing YOU.

It’s common for guys to consciously or subconsciously put women on a pedestal, which leads them to think that hot women are flawless, unstoppable and insanely confident to the point that a mere mortal such as yourself would never be cause for concern.

Yet the thing that costs most beginners dates and sex is oftentimes their inability to recognize and acknowledge how a woman is feeling. It’s rather a predicament for her. At first glance, you would think that women would be open to expressing their doubts or fears.

Let’s say you’re asking a woman for her number.

It seems simple enough, you’ve been chatting for 4-5 minutes and seem to get along, so why not ask her on a date?

Yet in her mind she’s recalling all of those times she’s given her number out to guys she’s just met and regretted it soon after. Every woman has had to deal with some guy she gave her number to who wouldn’t stop texting and calling her, and had to block his number, or in the days before smartphones, change HER number (a major headache).

So that’s what’s running through her head, but it’s normal to be afraid of even admitting that.

She doesn’t want to appear stupid or naive.

She doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.

And most important of all, she doesn’t want to say somewhat that might trigger you and lead to a violent outburst with her as the victim, a realistic concern for a lot of women.

Women Get Approached All The Time

Even when you’re initially approaching her, you need to understand that this likely isn’t the first time she has been approached.

It could have been a guy who was asking for the time, or directions to Starbucks. Seems innocent enough…until he creepily asks for her number out of nowhere.

Maybe it was a homeless guy asking her for money, who then EXPLODED when she ignored him or said no.

Not to mention crazy people roaming around on the street, who are frightening simply because they don’t recognize that they’re crazy and the effect they’re having on other people.

This is why getting coaching is so important. Overcoming your approach anxiety and being able to approach women are just the first steps.

You then need to learn how to develop the internal and external awareness that enable you to pick up on the subtle cues and hints women are giving you, so you can then adapt and adjust.

On workshops we teach guys how to do this, teaching them meditation to raise their awareness, alongside listening in to approaches using live microphones then breaking them down afterwards to help them understand what was REALLY going on between the lines.

And if that’s not an option for you, at the very least you should invest in our online course, The Marshall Meditation Method which I’ve specifically designed around approaching women. You’ll not only learn an important life skill but also have the tools to drop the stories and fears you keep telling yourself and instead focus on her experience of being approached by a strange man, aka you. If you want to learn more about meditation and how my method works be sure to check out this link.

The Art Of Seduction

If you’re still under the impression that pick-up lines and routines work, or that somewhere out there is a magic system that’s going to give you a 100% success rate (“all for a low price of $49.99!”), understand that each and every moment with a woman will be different.

Copying down lines or responses you hear in my in-field videos isn’t going to work, because I’m responding to not only what she’s saying in that moment, but her body language, her tone of voice, and the subtext of our conversation thus far.

As an example, two women might hesitate to give me their number, yet one of them has been living in that city her whole life, whilst another is only going to be there for another 2-3 days. The first may be concerned about getting harassed endlessly by a strange hairy man, whilst the other might not be able to justify giving me her number if she’s leaving town soon.

Ultimately this is why seduction is an art form rather than a series of tools you can pull out at any time the moment calls for it.

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Creating Your Personal Elevator Pitch

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Approach Anxiety Made Simple

Creating Your Personal Elevator Pitch

When you’re meeting women, they seldom care about your job, where you’re from, what you studied. That’s not to say that these things aren’t important, but on face value they really don’t mean anything.

The Everyday Conversation Nobody Wants To Have

Conversations can be tough, that’s for sure. I’m going to run a little script by you, and tell me if it sounds familiar:

So…tell me…what do you…uh…what do you do for work?




And uh…

Where are you from?


Right. That’s cool. I’ve been there.

And umm…


What did you study?

Ah, got it. Yep

……and for how long?

Years, gotcha.

This is the typical conversation I hear most guys having with women when they first join us on a workshop. But an even deadlier sin than this is failing to talk about themselves at all. THEN they ask a woman for her number, and I can only imagine what’s running through her head:

“Ummm….who the hell are you?”

Expressing Yourself

I get that it can be really hard to talk about yourself.

When you think back over the course of your life, you’ve been trained to ask these questions and to value this information by everyone you’ve interacted with along the way. It’s rare that people actually stop and ask “do I really care about what someone does for a living? And does that actually tell me much about them as a person?”.

When you’re meeting women, they seldom care about your job, where you’re from, what you studied. That’s not to say that these things aren’t important, but on face value they really don’t mean anything.

The actual meaning comes from the why. Ok, so you’re an engineer, but why? Did you follow that career path because you thought it would make your parents happy? Because you thought the money would be good? Or you just like trigonometry?

A common trap guys can fall into when they start approaching is thinking that by the simple fact that they are approaching a woman, they’re communicating everything she needs to know about who he is as a man. That he’s confident. That he knows what he wants. That he’s a risk taker. All attractive qualities, and sure, impressive in the moment, but not enough to get most women on a date with you.

Even if you’re still hopeless at approaching (in which case you should sign up for our 3-week beginner’s course, the Dating Accelerator you’re still going to come across a woman at some point and need to find a way to introduce who you are as a person.

The problem is that you still need to make a first impression, and if you don’t know how to do that, you’re going to automatically fall back on your bad habits, which likely include asking too many generic questions, not engaging the answers with curiosity, and failing to talk about yourself.

So what’s the remedy?

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

The good news is that this is something you can practice. Remember that you don’t have to have an impressive resume to talk about yourself. You don’t need to have a high paying job or a fascinating lifestyle of travel and adventure to spark curiosity.

Here’s three things you should keep in mind that you can slip into the conversation.

  1. Something you’re really good at. This isn’t about impressing her, but taking pride in yourself. Maybe you’ve worked really hard at martial arts over the years, or you love programming, or you can balance an orange on your head.
  2. Something you like. Again, it’s not about trying to ‘game’ her by figuring out what she WANTS to hear, but what you genuinely like. Collecting goldfish. Experimental 90’s punk/folk music. Stargazing.
  3. Something you suck at. Don’t play out the cliche job interview answer of reversing this by saying “my biggest flaw is caring too much about people”. No no no. Be honest. This is about showing you’re human. I’m terrible at getting up when my alarm goes off. I can’t cook to save myself. My apartment is a mess most of the time.

Write these down somewhere. You don’t need to treat them as a ‘line’ that has to be inserted into EVERY interaction with a woman, but they are there in those moments when you need to share something about yourself with her.

Speaking of practice, you’re going to need a lot of it if you’re going to get really good at seduction. But as I’ve always said, the adage that ‘practice makes perfect’ is slightly wrong. It should be ‘perfect practice makes perfect’, which means, knowing how to practice is just as important as practicing.

If you’re really keen on learning what that looks like, I’ve put together a course that describes exactly what you should be doing as a beginner to make sure you are actually improving at seduction and not just running around in circles getting nowhere. You can learn all about the Dating Accelerator, including a course breakdown that describes exactly what you’ll be learning, by clicking here.

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How To Set Goals (That You Can Actually Achieve)

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Why Women Are AFRAID Of Being Approached

Finding Motivation To Approach Women

When guys start out approaching they often have a really short term goal in mind. What’s the long vision? Is having beautiful women in your life enough?

Let’s Start Simple...

It’s Shae here with some news that might be a little scary to read.

Are you ready?

You might want to sit down for this.

I’ve done some digging and discovered that you’re going to die someday. I am too. So are the rest of the coaches, and everyone you, friends, colleagues, mortal enemies.

All going to die someday.

Now I wouldn’t be giving you this grim news if it weren’t for some purpose, and that is a poignant reminder that life is short.

If you’ve known about pick-up, approaching, seduction, whatever you want to call it, for longer than 6 months, and still haven’t taken action by approaching or getting coaching, that’s six months wasted.

It might not seem like a big deal, but you’re never going to get that time back. And if you don’t start by taking action today, say by filling in an application form and getting on the phone with us about a workshop, you’re effectively stating that you’re ok with paralysis.

This is a dangerous place to be in because the one thing you can be sure of is that you are going to die someday, but you don’t know when. It could be tomorrow, or in a year from now. Would you want to look back on the last year of your life and acknowledge that you had lived in fear the whole time?

Using Frustration To Your Advantage

When guys start out approaching they often have a really short term goal in mind. This isn’t intentional, it's more than they’re moving away from a place of pain.

It could be something like getting more sex, because they’re been inactively single for so long.

Or it could just be getting over their approach anxiety because they’re sick of feeling trapped and worrying about what other people think.

That initial feeling of frustration slowly builds over time to a point of bursting where they eventually feel like they’d rather die than put up with the problem for another moment longer.

These are great goals to work towards, but what you’ll eventually find is that if you take action, you’ll move past them.

It’s not that big of a leap for you to reach a stage where you feel comfortable approaching women, and those who have trouble with it typically start out with our beginner’s online course, the Dating Accelerator. Putting things in perspective it’s really a waste of your life to spend so much time at a stage that can be overcome by making a small investment and learning from guys who have not only been through the ‘beginner’s hell’ you’re experiencing, but have also developed strategies to fast track the process and taught them to hundreds of other men. If you want to get your hands on these insights you can find out more about the course and what’s included by clicking here.

Why You REALLY Want To Approach

But eventually, you’ll need to have some kind of grander purpose that you’re moving towards.

Sure, beautiful women are great, but if you had a bunch of beautiful women in your life, then what? Why would that be important to you?

Because once you’ve started moving away from that initial pain point, that ‘rock bottom’ which drove you to start making a change, you’ll then have to find something to move towards.

The good news is that there isn’t any right or wrong answer to this. It’s incredibly personal.

For myself I know that being with a beautiful woman can be like holding up a mirror, revealing all of my flaws, inadequacies and insecurities. Beyond the sex and initial appeal of a beautiful woman lies an opportunity for me to grow as a person, whilst also offering her the same in kind.

So what’s your deeper motivation for approaching?

Maybe it's love. Maybe you are overcome with a passion for women that makes you feel alive. Maybe you envision having a family one day.

Be sure to check out today’s video, and leave a comment letting us know what the big picture vision is for you.

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Do You Know How To Read A Woman’s Signals?

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How To Set Goals (That You Can Actually Achieve)

Do You Run Out Of Things To Say When Talking To Women?

If you have a fear of rejection and you stuck when you talk to women then you should read this article.

Don’t Let This Simple Problem Stop You From Connecting With Women

One of the greatest fears men have is getting stuck in a conversation with a woman and running out of things to say.

Even if they feel confident enough to approach a woman, whether its on the street, at a work function or a house party, they’ll soon run out of things to say. Eventually it will get awkward, the girl will think they’re weird and they leave before it becomes way too uncomfortable.

The surprising thing is that what you think is the problem, running out of things to say, is the tip of the iceberg of a much bigger problem that most guys don’t even see.

Symptom or Sickness?

Instead of focusing on running out of things to say, we need to instead look at why you’re the one forced to be coming up with things to say in the first place.

If you think back to your interactions with women, what is your intention? What are you trying to do?

Is it more important that you make a good impression? That you demonstrate how clever, or interesting, or valuable you are to her?

Or are you more interested in finding out about her?

If it’s the former, that’s why you’re running out of things to say. The focus becomes “how can I make sure I get this girls number, that she’ll go out on a date with me, that she’ll sleep with me?”. And so everything that you do is about demonstrating why she should like you, which is a LOT of work. Of course you’re going to have to continuously think of new things to say, because otherwise she’ll get bored, think you’re a waste of time and walk off.

In reality displaying how interesting you are isn’t going to get you very far. Women aren’t actively seeking a man who never runs out of things to say.

Instead, they’d much prefer a man who is able to listen.

The Golden Ticket

Instead of trying to come up with things to say, you should instead be focused on listening to her.

Most conversations we have, whether it’s with family or friends or coworkers, involve very little listening. Generally people are just waiting for their turn to talk or to demonstrate how knowledgeable or opinionated they are about the topic being discussed.

So from now on, why not try listening to people? I mean, REALLY listening to them. Actually taking in what a person says and going deeper into the topic, asking a question that shows you’re listening.

In our 5 week online course, the 5 Principles of Natural Seduction, we spend a full 7 days focused on becoming a better listener through the principle of Emotional Connection. It’s really hard to build an emotional connection with a woman if you’re not actually listening to what they’re saying. But if you can listen, and I mean truly listen, you can start to delve deeper into who they are underneath the surface, what is important to them, and ultimately, if their values align with yours. You can get instant access by clicking here

If you actually shut up for a moment and listen to what a woman is saying, you’ll find that you never run out of things to say. Either she’ll say something that will give you a new topic to talk about, or she’ll feel uncomfortable with the silence and ask you a question instead.

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How To Escape The Daily Grind

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Seducing Women From Different Cultures

Will TNL Stop Teaching Seduction?

Is “male-oriented dating advice” still relevant?

“I saw that you removed some of your best videos from the TNL YouTube channel, wtf is going on?! Can you re-upload them for just a couple of days?”.

As you may know, we removed many of our old videos including: Infield pickup, movie roasts & #AskTheNaturals series from our YouTube channel, due to warnings about possible channel takedowns of seduction related material. In other words, online censorship is becoming increasingly stronger and more punishing towards the topic of “male-oriented dating advice”. Some of the more extreme PUA channels have already been deleted and there is a risk we will get caught up in the same purge.

After consulting with our marketing and PR team and after our biggest competitor called me to warn us of the dating coach armageddon (you can guess who it was)... we decided to stay on the safer side, in order to be able to keep releasing quality content for you on a weekly basis and not risk having our platform to communicate with you nuked. The great news is that we’re currently working on setting up an independent platform to eventually be able to release content without any limitations. Those videos will eventually be put back up, I’ll keep you posted.

“Are you guys still teaching seduction? If so, how do the new workshops connect to it?”

Rest assured, The Natural Lifestyles is and will always be a natural seduction company. While our original purpose remains unchanged, we continue to innovate and deepen our teaching scope. After dedicating the past 12 years of my life to coaching thousands of men all over the globe how to achieve their dream dating life, I saw the same key issues occurring over and over again. It became clear that issues with approaching and seducing women are often symptoms of a deeper condition. The real reason why you don’t go and meet that cute girl you saw on the street, don’t quit an unfulfilling job, start a business and move abroad —the things you truly want to do— is because of an unsettling feeling of unworthiness. Sure, you may lack the technical skill set needed or the right advice, but these things can be learned fairly quickly (that’s what we do on every TNL seduction workshop).

The truth is, no matter how much wealth or outward success you try to accumulate to cope with it, you’ll never feel truly good about yourself unless you decide to dig deeper and come to terms with your shadow self. The parts of you that are scared, blocked, repressed or undeveloped. Having had to deal with these issues myself, I spent a big chunk of my adult life traveling the world to meet mentors and masters in different schools of human potential. Whether through shamanic ceremonies in the Amazon jungle, training Kung Fu in China, seeking business and sexuality mentors - my quest to understand my deepest (and sometimes ugliest) self has exponentially improved my life. The lessons and quests I went through, helped to secure my own sense of being and purpose to the point where most of the “external qualities” began to improve by themselves. Using this personal foundation, I spent the last 2 years designing a workshop that would bring together an unprecedented group of world-class mentors and effective teachings that contributed to my own success and self-growth. It’s called Natural Warrior Training. This is not a substitution for the very successful 4 and 7-day intensive workshops or the infamous 10-day Eurotour, rather an additional expansion of our system focused on deep, personal work. Currently, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Natural Warrior Training and the rest of our live workshops are on hold. The regular schedule will resume once the apocalypse is over and it's safe to meet and mingle around in the streets again.

Hope this clears up any confusion. For now, stay safe, listen to real doctors, not laptop theorists. This will pass and life will go on. We should all be using this time to reflect on our regrets and make unshakeable vows to ourselves that once the doors open, we will not waste another day. Much love to you and your people.



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The True Cure for Approach Anxiety

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When a door closes… TNL Responds to COVID 19

Unleashing The Beast Within

Reversing years of being stuck inside your head and not taking action is not easy, but absolutely possible if you follow the right process…

The Foundations of Natural Seduction

Do you know what makes the difference between a real natural seducer and someone pretending to be one through indirect lies and speaking through a mask?

A fake manipulative seducer is just somebody who does not think himself worthy enough to date most beautiful women, and so he tries to win their attention indirectly through well-crafted stories to display higher value or buys their time with lavish gifts and experiences.

On the other side, the successful kind of direct natural seduction we teach at TNL is based on one key assumption…

Being able to express your own masculine essence authentically and unapologetically is one of the most attractive qualities a man can display. 

You need to understand that when you truly communicate who you are without filters, some women will love you and others will still reject you. It is impossible to please everyone, but it is very possible to have a higher success rate with women that are naturally attracted to your personality and the masculine archetype you embody.

It all starts by experimenting and putting your real self out there to develop a strong intuition for what it really feels like to be YOU.

But that is no easy task, especially when you have accumulated years of living inside your head, losing touch with your body and the present moment and listening to little voices that tell you you’re not good enough.. and what you deserve.

In my latest video, I just released, I and some of my mentors share unique awareness drills to help you get out of your head and start experiencing the world as it is through your senses and body.  To see what happens on my exclusive Natural Warrior program in Portugal, click here.

How to develop a Wolf-like Instinct (& Magnetise people)

When your masculine instinct is sharp, confidence, self-trust, and honest self-expression will become accessible as a result. Movement and meditation are excellent tools to get there. 

Reintroducing primal movement patterns in your life will help you to become more aware of your body and communicate non-verbally to bypass thought processes that are slowing you down and reconnect with your primitive, warrior instincts faster.

Be wary, these techniques alone will definitely help and serve a great therapeutic effect for the student but are not enough to produce deep core-level change.

That’s because they belong to just one out of six branches of a powerful masculine transformation system and coaching methodology I’ve developed over the past 12 years called the Natural Warrior Training

NWT is a week-long élite program I personally host twice per year at Natropia, my private property in Portugal. The aim is to set you on the path to becoming a highly evolved, supple and joyful man, and to develop the ability to progress not only at the societal level of success (women, money, outward achievements) but on to continual personal evolution, feeling vital, clear-headed, emotionally stable and expressive.

I created it with the specific purpose of answering the most urgent question in the tricky ––sometimes even dangerous––landscape of modern masculinity…

What goes into becoming a strong, attractive, and independent man in 2020?

If this is something that interests you and you want to know the answer, you have to act NOW!

The next round of NWT starts in October 2020, and more than half of the available spots have already been taken.

Click HERE to learn more about the Natural Warrior Training.

I hope to see you in Portugal at my house, ready to embark on a truly life-transforming mission together.



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Afraid Of Creeping Girls Out? Read this

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How To Stop Being Awkward

How To Read Her Signals

Making the right move on a woman is paramount to lead things from an interesting conversation all the way to the bedroom. But unless you’re able to calibrate your actions properly, and read the various signals she’s giving you, you’re doomed to fail…

Getting girls to teach you game

There is a famous saying in the seduction world…

If you’re a good listener, the girl will tell you how to close her.

In the past 2 years coaching for TNL, I’ve seen students struggling with this all the time…

Going for the number and leaving, when the girl is obviously free and down to spend more time together for a coffee, maybe even at your place 😉

Continuously changing surface-level topics, instead of diving deeper into one she seemed intrigued by.

On a date, talking endlessly, when it’s clear she just wants you to shut up and kiss her.

If this resonates with you and you want to stop missing out on solid opportunities, you have to understand something…

Being a good seducer is as much about leading and having the power, as it is about giving it away and letting the girl do the moves when needed.

The problem is, most guys get the timing completely wrong.

They physically escalate and increase pressure, when they should make the girl feel more comfortable - and thus creeping her out.

Or they are too docile and submissive when the girl is relaxed and attracted and wants them to make a move to increase sexual tension - thus boring her to death.

Ultimately, it all boils down to one important skill…

Reading women’s signals

What is her current emotional state?

Is she just socially polite or sexually invested? 

Is she ready for me to escalate things to a more intimate level?

These are all questions you must be able to answer yourself before you make a move on a girl you like. Good news is that you don’t have to spend years earning a psychology degree, or practicing gimmicky lines, to understand what’s going on in a girl’s mind, because in most cases she will literally coach you on how to close her––if you’re capable of listening.

The Principle of Awareness

At TNL, we call this the Principle of Awareness––one of the foundational blocks of our very successful method of Natural Seduction.

For our students, being Aware means being receptive at all times to what is going on in peoples minds and bodies: firstly their own, and later women’s

They achieve this capacity by going through an intense personalized training curriculum consisting of dozens of infield hours with a coach (2:1 student to instructor ratio) giving them feedback in real-time, internal spirituality & re-wiring drills, roleplay classes with female models, seduction theory, and a lot more.  

Watch my latest video, to learn more about this. Click HERE to watch it.

And hit this link to find out more about my next live coaching opportunities.

Talk to you soon.


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