How To CONQUER The World
From Your Apartment During Corona
It's James Marshall here,
And I have ONE important question for YOU today:
Did the Coronavirus crisis completely catch you off guard and inflict deep wounds to your social & dating lives?
Or are you part of those top 5% of men who are still thriving in their relationships & finances despite society being forced to its knees?
You see, in the past couple of months, since the beginning of the lockdown, my personal channels and inbox have been flooded with hundreds of messages of concerned men like you – including many past workshop clients – desperately asking for my advice…

- Guys who saw their entire dating and social lives they had built with so much effort disintegrate overnight and found themselves in total loneliness.
- Men struggling to financially survive and fearing for their careers. Or worse, realizing they've been stuck in jobs they hate for so long and not knowing how to change their life course in challenging times like these.
- Great ambitious individuals wondering what to do to keep improving themselves from home and not waste this unique lockdown time.
If that sounds familiar, you might be asking yourself...
The answer is YES.
In fact, while you could think everyone right now is either recovering from the total collapse of their social world or sitting at home binging Netflix waiting for the doors to open again, I am leading a secret group of men out there absolutely thriving in hard times like these.
We go by the name of Lifestyle Designers and a long time ago we've figured out a system to not only survive and adapt in moments of chaos, but still Conquer the world and grow our Empires while locked in our apartments.
If you want to know how we do it and steal our secrets, keep reading. It all begins by understanding something pivotal for your future social success...

You are redesigning your life everyday

Here is the harsh truth…
If your social & dating lives are suffering from the lockdown you have to realize it is NOT just bad luck.
Sure, on one hand, the situation is quite negative, but on the other, it is also your PAYOFF for not designing your life well.
You see, the people that surround you, the organizations and groups you are in, your living situation, your wingmen & lovers, your income streams, your close friends, your purpose…
All these key elements combined influence the way you experience life and how fast and to what extent you can thrive in various success paths like seduction, your career, or when facing the unexpected like now during Corona.

The problem is, most people go through this process unconsciously, designing a very flat and limited life as a result. Every day they make hundreds of choices, that reaffirm their mindsets and repeat their mediocre patterns. Keep doing what you’re doing, keep getting what you’re getting.

It looks more or less like this…
Sticking around the same friends you met in uni, remaining in the same job, going to the same gym, entertaining the same hobbies, hitting the same clubs and restaurants – then repeating it all for years on end until you wonder “is that it?“
Maybe you even tried to reverse the odds yourself...
Working on things like seduction, trying to expand your social circle, or just networking to advance in your work hierarchy. But you've probably done it all alone as a one-man show, and as you can see right now, the moment you stop hustling, your results stop with you.
On the other side, there is my small group of high-level operators, the Lifestyle Designers...
We have learned how to branch out of our initial situation, no matter how unfavorable, acquire new & better social assets and leverage them to create a well-oiled social machine that works to get us more women, adventures & freedom passively. Often on autopilot.
In short, we absolutely crush it in our sex & social lives while having to work a lot LESS for them than most men will have to.

- We are the guys skipping the queue at clubs and passing behind the velvet rope just by glancing at the bouncer, making bystanders wonder “who the hell is that guy?”.
- We have girls referring us to other girls for sex without having to constantly grind the streets doing cold approach (unless we want to).
- We are the new “prodigy” that arrives at your office and gets promoted to a top-tier position in no time, leapfrogging hordes of people that were waiting (and wasting) years for that job.
So, let me ask you this…
What if you could use your free Corona time to learn the same exact system we use to holistically 10x your success in seduction, social circle, finances & inner game, without having to struggle alone on them ever again?
You would be able to not only make the best of this lockdown to create a roadmap of your future lifestyle success, but put it in action and start to conquer the world when the doors open to experience the life you deserve. Deserve because you will have strategically planned your moves and have the backup crew to help you execute and follow through.

This system exists and it's called the Lifestyle Design Academy.
And with the right mentorship and strategy, it can help you to transform your life in less than one year, even when locked in your home.
Today I'm going to reveal to you how it works and how to use it to go from complete novice to a master Lifestyle Designer in a very short time.
But before we get into it, I want to explain to you how I learned to master this & why it has been the toughest and most rewarding challenge of my life...
I didn't become one of the world’s most élite seducers just by approaching women…

You might know me as the “low energy seduction guru“ that pioneered revolutionary methods of picking up women without any cheesy tricks and founded the most élite dating company on the planet, but here’s the whole truth:
I’d be NOWHERE near the level where I’m at now if I used seduction alone, in fact…
Way before I even discovered cold approach seduction, I was already getting decent results by using something else…
As a young kid I sang opera and played the flute, growing up in Canberra, Australia, in the 90s. I never fit into the role of the popular surfer/skater or sporty guy in school who gets all the cute girls and develops good self-confidence as a result.
To be honest with you, my entire life was a big downward spiral back then:
At age 16 I moved out of home to escape a difficult situation living with my mother.
I found myself with four other young misfits — including future TNL instructor Jon Thomsen — in a crumbling suburban house we could barely afford to rent.
All my life I’d been bullied by the “cool kids“ for liking things like classical music and Chinese martial arts.
Did you ever feel so ignored to question whether most people are even aware that you exist?
That was my life back then.
But I really liked those pretty girls so I had to get creative…
And if there was one thing I had learned by watching movies and reading Great Gatsby it was that if you can’t get to hang out with the cool people then you must find a way to make the cool people come to you…
So I threw one big party and my life changed forever
Using my minimal social skills and network of other inspired nerds, I managed to gather a small band, a lot of booze, a bunch of cool lights, a fog machine, and a belly dancer.
Jon and I joined forces with our two male roommates and we all worked our asses off for 3 days to prepare the event while our only female friend Jannice spread the word in school about this crazy party happening at our place that weekend called Space House.
Eventually, on the night of the main event, to our great surprise, over 200 people from all over town showed up at our little house party. The ravers, the skaters, the hot girls, the jocks, the music nerds, everyone who was anyone was there. The entire experience was wild and for the first time, all of us got laid within the same night, suddenly becoming the wildly popular weird dudes in our high-school as a result.
Back then I knew I was onto something, so I immediately arranged another party for the next month, and kept repeating this for months on end, growing my status and social circle.
Soon, however, I realised how my dating life started and ended with the events I organised. It was good, but not consistent.
So I began to save the small income each party generated and founded a band with Jon and my brother, dreaming to level up in the local social scene by becoming the cool hipster musician constantly surrounded by crowds of attractive female fans ready for him to take home.
It was just another dead end...
In fact, in my first couple of years spent asking favors and getting random gigs in suburban pubs playing on sticky stages, the “peak” of my rockstar career consisted of getting laid with a drunk and sunburnt chubby girl that made the first move on me during a concert.
Later on when I moved to Melbourne and the venues got bigger and stages cleaner, my social life finally exploded as I formed many new great friendships, started to party even harder, and started touring Australia in a beat up van with my bandmates, even picking up the odd groupie on the road and bringing them along for the ride.
Back then building a great social circle was the most logical way for me to get what I truly desired the most: being surrounded by lots of new attractive girls as often as possible. But the results didn't match my expectations...

No matter how much effort I put into it and how much bigger my social world got, my success with women was still very inconsistent and limited to meeting them through acquaintances or getting lucky at parties. I still couldn’t meet the women I really wanted, even when I saw them dancing in the audience while I was playing.
On top of it, I was still that guy who couldn’t approach the pretty girl he exchanged eye contact with in the music store while buying vinyl and who had to get drunk in order to feel comfortable enough to act sexual with women.
It was around that time that I randomly stumbled into some underground online forums managed by a strange subculture of men who referred to themselves as “pickup artists” and so began my journey to...
Becoming the James Marshall that you know
The moment I got into cold-approach seduction I became immediately obsessed with it.
And I got decent pretty fast. After one year of intense practice, approaching women day and night, meeting constant rejection and frustrating flakes, I turned the tables around and ended up in a crazy sexual pentangle with five different women, including a red-haired bombshell hipster girl called J who became my primary girlfriend.

That's when I really thought I had achieved it all…
Not only I was going on crazy dates sneaking into golf courses to play with glow balls in the dark or getting stoned at rock concerts with J, but I was still getting laid with many other chicks on the side as both of us agreed to keep the relationship open and casual.
But with time what was meant to be the cure to all evils — seduction — started to turn into an addictive and destructive process.
It was 2009 and I had just started TNL (before known as “The Natural “) with one of my most-skilled wingmen. At that point of my life cold-approaching wasn't just a way to enjoy myself more anymore. It had become my only passion.
And that came at the expense of everything I had built before…

The social circle I had spent so many years creating was rapidly falling apart, as I stopped hanging out with my band (except on stage) and going to parties and concerts because they “distracted“ me from the core purpose of picking up more chicks off the streets, going on the most efficient dates and getting them into bed as soon as possible. And then doing it again and again.
Important parts of my character and mission, like my Kung Fu and meditation practices I had worked on for more than a decade, fell aside as well. I didn’t feel like I needed that stuff when I had the constant thrill of the chase and the rush of victory.
Everything changed when J decided to dump me out of the blue.
She’d had enough of putting up with my unhealthy obsession with cold-approach and finding me breaking down text game & field reports with my wingmen even when she was over. And she also confessed I had turned into a one-dimensional, boring dude––before walking out of my life.
I was devastated but that served as the final wake up call to make me realize how much I had lost in my life since I had sacrificed everything in the name of seducing women.
The Missing Link
In the next couple of years I slowly re-introduced some balance into my life by getting back healthy habits like martial arts & spending time with people outside of “the community“. At the same time, I started to experiment with a way of combining my cold-approach seduction skills with my social circle scene...
To my surprise, my results exploded!

I noticed, for example, that whenever I approached a beautiful woman in the street and invited her right away to one of my parties or weekly dinners, often the environment did the work for me and we'd end up in bed that same night––sparing long and painful days of texting & dates to get comfortable with each other. Once the woman saw that I was relaxed and respected by my peers and that my social crew was a dynamic group of fun guys and girls, all her safety concerns vanished and it was a no brainer to go upstairs with me after the group dinner.
I also saw that by blending different small social circles together, instead of having to cultivate them individually, great relationships would form between the members, who would then become emissaries and spread my reputation around, drawing even more female curiosity and interesting people into my life.
This seductive lifestyle I spent years designing eventually turned into a self-sustaining social organism bringing amazing benefits passively for me, and everyone around me:

- Girls who had a good time with me and my crew began “referring me” to their female friends for intercourse.
- That may sound insane but think about it. Girls are horny too, sometimes they're looking for a casual lover who won’t blow up their phone and get all needy. If a female friend tells her about a guy who is chill, good in bed and will treat her with respect, of course she’ll take this option on recommendation over a random bar or tinder hookup. Think of it like YELP reviews for dating:)
- Important men, who would normally ignore me, started reaching out for business deals or epic travel opportunities after they got laid at one of my events.

All those years of gargantuan effort struggling to keep improving my finances, my social circle, and my seduction life separately, when in fact…
They all worked together as part of a bigger evolving picture: my consciously designed LIFESTYLE.
Fast forward to 2020, I successfully used these lessons to move my business base of operations from conservative Australia to Central Europe and started a new life in Budapest, Hungary.
There, I applied the Seductive Economy–my Lifestyle Design blueprint–to the new social setting and rapidly recreated from scratch a new self-operating network of friends, allies and lovers that helped me to take TNL and my personal freedom to the next level.
At the same time, I started to teach my secret Lifestyle Design Principles to a very exclusive group of men as part of my intensive (and very expensive) 1-on-1 workshops.
And let me tell you, the results have been so insane that after nearly 3 years hitting the road every other weekend to meet clients face-to-face and see the incredible success they can achieve using my new lifestyle technologies, I decided I did my fair share of leaving the world a better place and in December 2019 retired from the coaching scene.
Then Corona arrived…
And now more than ever, the TNL brotherhood of romantic adventurers I had built through 15 years of hard work needed James Marshall one more time.
So I got down to work, far away from all the noise in my private countryside property in Portugal, for the first time in history to codify the complex and fascinating science of lifestyle design into Core principles every man could learn and implement in his own journey.
I pulled out my old notebooks, long dormant course material that had been put in the vault while I looped the globe teaching and expanding my social reach. I finally had time to finish codifying the strategies that I and other high level Lifestyle Designers used all the time.
I spent weeks during the early lockdown in March and April reaching out and contacting the most successful people I know in key areas of Lifestyle Mastery…
Digital nomads and cowboy capitalists, world renowned clinical psychologists, CEOs of disruptive tech companies & wealth funds, spiritual teachers, masters of movement & physical performance, organizers of some of the most exclusive parties in the world, Playboy photographers, sexuality coaches and BDSM masters.
After integrating their insights with what I’ve learned in the past 20 years on my own as a Lifestyle Designer, today i'm here to...
Introduce to You the Lifestyle Design Academy
This is a 12-month mentorship program, personally taught by me as I take you through my secret blueprint to design a Seductive Lifestyle from scratch. With the right leverage you can multiply your current social and sexual results by up to 10X.
What does the ultimate designer lifestyle look like?...well that depends on YOU!
For some, it's the digital nomad dream. Sitting on a beach in Thailand, chilling with a cool international crew and working on your own terms.
For others, it's about having the skillset and high-level operative knowledge to reach out to mentors & teachers in unique walks of life and turn a passion like movement, creative arts or coaching people into a profitable career.
For the busy corporate man, this is a chance of building a social system that gives him the freedom of spending less time at the office and doing more of what really excites him––whether that is traveling the world or having free afternoons to go on dates with more women.
For some it’s more a chance to restart life on a different continent and be surrounded by beautiful lovers and real, inspiring friends that help you succeed…
No matter your end goal, you'll celebrate with me once you understand how this works and see for yourself how the options are truly limitless...
That's because I structured this program to be customized to YOUR exact needs and unique lifestyle challenges. In fact, this is not just another cookie-cutter online course you will binge-watch once then never apply to your life.
This is an interactive program with lectures hosted by me personally. Each week I’ll present to you a core principle of Lifestyle Design, discuss the mechanics and mindsets, set you challenges and open discussions and questions. You’ll receive weekly missions to make sure you apply what you learn, and a positive brotherhood of like-minded people to support you and keep you accountable.

The moment you join the Academy your life will enter an upward spiral of positive success. You'll learn how to...
- 10X your career results by using Influence & Charm to leapfrog your way to the top tiers of every organization ––without wasting years trying to rise through the ranks.
- Connect with powerful friends and allies, get invited to the best VIP parties in the city & bring new passive streams of women in your life every week, giving you plenty of options outside of cold-approaching.
- Realize lifestyle dreams that normally take years to achieve in a matter of months. Things like moving to a new country, traveling the world, starting an online business, hosting high status events that sexy women want to attend.
- Cultivate a magnetizing personality people can't ignore by reconnecting with your lost masculine archetypes and mastering the arts of Directness & Positive confrontation.
- Become a modern renaissance man by developing a seductive culture database & real independent thinking to disconnect from the Matrix and tap into true freedom.
Now, before I reveal to you how the Academy works in detail, I want you to know something...
Who this is NOT for
Simply put, this program is NOT for everybody, here is who should avoid it...
First, you shouldn't sign up for this if you don't have any idea of what kind of life you'd like to lead.
This is NOT a solution for being lazy and expecting me to tell you what you should do with your life.
You should come into the Academy with a goal of who you want to become, or a dream, at least. No matter how crazy they are I can help you make them a reality, but it all starts with YOU.
Second, you shouldn't join this program if you're not ready to put some serious work into it.
As you can imagine, reversing years of poor Lifestyle Design takes time, years in most cases.
The good news is that I've prepared for you a very linear and simple process to follow that will cut that down to only months. But if you know you are the type of guy who cannot even commit to something as simple and no b.s as that, then close this page and let's not waste each other's time.
Here is who the Academy IS for
You are tired of living a mediocre and limited life
Of having to stare in clubs at the hot girls in the VIP area dreaming of what it feels like to have them in your life. You had enough of always being in the same social setting year after year and are ready to finally start living the life YOU want.
You are willing to think outside the box and go out of your own way
Challenging the traditional success code is a pivotal part of doing this. If you made it this far you've always known deep down inside that you were destined for something greater–you just didn't know how to access it!
You understand Healing is as important as hustling
Using these months as an opportunity to shift your focus inward and observe what you've repressed there will lead to as many results as working on the external elements of your lifestyle. You'll learn different healing methods and how to reconnect with your Inner Child.
You had enough of always having to stand in line to wait your turn
The mainstream media tells you great things happen to those who can wait. There is definitely some truth to that. But how long should you wait? 5,10, 20 years of having to “work your way up”––while getting treated like sh*t from the people on top–– to finally be good enough to start enjoying life?
I'm looking for a specific kind of student for this program:
Those who value time and respect and want to start getting results NOW.
You have good energy and are ready to thrive in this era
To be fair, we all know successful people who are also a pain in the ass to be around. My goal is to not only give you the toolbox for ultimate lifestyle domination, but to create a small brotherhood of supportive and positive people that will share epic adventures together once Lockdown is over. Would you like to be one of them?
If all these criteria make sense to you, you’re guaranteed to become one of the many élite men whose lifestyle and social worlds have been changed by the TNL methods.

Here is what some of them have to say about it
This Is How The Academy Works
The Lifestyle Design Academy is a year-long mentorship program divided into 4 Seasons
8-Week Lifestyle Design Intensive
Icon Woman

Planning Your Empire, Preparing the ground, germinating, planting seeds
Running from May until July 2020
Every great journey begins by laying the right foundations. Rome wasn’t built in one day and your ideal Lifestyle won’t be either, in most cases.
Before you start doing epic things like penetrating VIP social circles, getting sex by referral & building financial freedom to leave your 9-5 and start traveling the world, you need to understand the tactics & strategy that make them all not just possible, but easy to replicate consistently.
So I structured Season 1 as an 8-week Accelerated Lifestyle Design Foundations course.
This way you'll get your skills and Customised Lifestyle Strategy at least in skeleton shape and ready to start implementing them in the real outside world as soon as Corona lockdowns loosen.
Like a seasoned General prepares for the upcoming campaigns & triumphs by assessing what worked in the past and what kind of troops he can dispose of…
I will take you by hand and show you how to run an autopsy on your life so far to become aware and start dissolving the main limiting beliefs & repressed traumas that might prevent your future social & sexual success from happening in the first place.
Then, as you finally experience what true Healing and emotional freedom feel like, you'll guarantee your change is permanent by selectively removing all the toxic people and parasites from your life – the ones that don't believe in you, the ones who don't want to see you succeed and those who just suck value from you without ever giving back.
If this sounds like a big part of the people you know, don't worry, you will not be alone for a single second...
By learning the 1st PILLAR of Lifestyle Design: the Seductive Economy method, you'll soon be on your way to be surrounded by the kind of friends, allies, and lovers you've always wished for but never knew how to get.
That's because what the Seductive Economy does is giving you the unfair advantage of having a process to:
- Target the precise social scenes you want to be in,
- Identify the key gatekeepers to get access and people you want to be surrounded by.
- Uncover their unique emotional blueprint and offer them exactly what they need every single time to create deep bonds of trust and loyalty.

In Season 1 You Get Access to
Weekly Accelerated Lifestyle Lectures With James Marshall
Each week, you’ll contribute to shape and influence the future direction of the Academy by participating in an online lecture that I will host on my private platform accessible only to LDA members. In it, we will dig deep and deconstruct one key principle of Lifestyle Design and then apply it to your unique life situation and challenges.
Each call works also as a 1-on-1 coaching opportunity as I will answer a number of selected questions from participants each time (you are guaranteed to get yours answered too IF you attend every week 😉).
NOTE: attendance to the Lifestyle Lectures is extremely important for LDA members to guarantee themselves a successful outcome from the program. I want to keep the standards of this mentorship group very high and turn ordinary lives into Masterpieces of Lifestyle Design, but it takes two to tango.
Weekly SPRING Missions & Drills
To master the Core Principles you'll receive during the lectures and put them into practice right away, I decided to include weekly lifestyle design missions & drills that will start from day 1 in the program.
These will develop progressively into a Curriculum thought to take you from the Beginner stage all the way up to Lifestyle Mastery in record time.
In case Corona is still around, I designed Season 1 missions to be easily executed from home. All you need is a stable internet connection to execute some of the drills I will prescribe you.

Private SPRING Telegram Accountability Brotherhood
The #1 reason why so many men keep failing when trying to change their lifestyle is that they attempt to do it all alone.
To help you with that I decided to include a Secret accountability Telegram group exclusive for the students of LDA.
By joining this group you will:
- Access a global brotherhood of men on your same exact path that will support you through tough times and share with you their unique lifestyle experiences
- Have the opportunity to interact with James Marshall in a safe and supportive environment on a daily basis! Every day I will personally go through the question guys have in the group and answer the best ones at length.
Marshall Charm School
Men often ask me for book recommendations, referrals to mentors, thinkers, artists and strategists that I personally rate. Often to confusion, I usually tell them, I rarely read self help books, not that there aren’t things to be learned from them. But a man of the world, a renaissance man, a lover, draws from other sources of inspiration.
Things like novels, biographies, mythological tales & great movies have inspired generations of men in the past hundreds of years to leave their safe and comfortable lives and go on adventures and epic quests around the world.
So I decided to keep this tradition alive in LDA by making you part of the “Marshall Charm School“:
- Every single week I will personally send you a selected number of genius resources to check both in written and video formats. Novels and reviews, powerful thinkers, masters and artists, these culture packs will help stimulate your mind into more holistic expression.
- Expect your sense of purpose and motivation to 10X as you learn about all the crazy opportunities the world has to offer (only if you have a lifestyle that makes them possible, of course 😉 ).
- As a by-product of being exposed to so many new worlds & thinkers, you’ll acquire seductive awareness and the ability to express your full range of emotions like true artists do (that’s where true charm comes from).
Icon Woman

Building your Social System & Creating Leverage
Running from July until November 2020
Once your Foundations and understanding of the basics are in place, it’s now time for you to go out in the real world and start to apply them consistently to build momentum and accumulate Leverage.
Without real-world experience and actually reaching out to people & social scenes, you'll never branch out from a poorly designed lifestyle and achieve your full social & sexual potential.
That's why in Season 2 you'll use the Seductive Economy principles to begin penetrating target social circles and bring new key people in your life to create your own.
You'll start to make lots of new friends outside of your usual group or, if you're the guy that just moved to a new city, learn how to make your first local allies.
Your social life will receive a boost as your nights and weekends start to get busy with invites to your first few exclusive parties and, if you follow my 20+ years proven method, begin to throw your own as I did back in Canberra, then Melbourne and later the world.
Be also prepared to start shifting into true abundance when you learn how to befriend the girls you approach and turn them into high-level wing girls that will gladly go out with you to help you approach and pull the trigger more.

Season 2 is all about internalizing the 2nd PILLAR of Lifestyle Design:
The best part...This also works if you are a major introvert like I am and don't feel like talking all the time or be the soul of the party (never was, never will be 🙂 ).
But be aware, your new social world will collapse as fast as it was created if you don't know how to inspire supreme respect and authority from other people. Fortunately, this won't be a problem when you'll learn how to use the Arts of Directness and Negotiation to enforce healthy boundaries and trust to make your new relationships unbreakable.
In Summer You Get Access to
2 Monthly Advanced Lifestyle Conferences With James Marshall & Guest Coaches
Two times per month you'll participate in a Advanced Lifestyle Conference hosted by me and one the members of my network of high-level Lifestyle Design specialists.
For this phase of the Academy, I'm going to purposefully make sure you get coached by very different people: business masters, sexuality experts, nomad digital entrepreneurs, and many other interesting figures who spent years figuring out their crafts and will share with you the most practical insights to help you succeed with your lifestyle.
That's for a very important reason: I want you to understand all the crazy options and epic life paths you can access when you know how to design your life the right way. Instead of seeing a socially vibrant, glamorous social life as something only a certain type of character can be part of, you start to see that like all social dynamics, there are strategies and learnable skills at play.
SUMMER Missions & Drills
After you know the theory, you'll again put it into action by participating in a series of missions & Advanced drills you'll receive twice per month.
Season 2 Missions are all about Executing your lifestyle strategy in the real world(or digital one if the lockdown is still on) influencing gatekeepers, befriending beautiful women and getting your first positive results. Think of them as the “Conquering phase” in process of building your Empire.
Private ACADEMY Telegram Brotherhood
Finally, you can report in with your results, challenges, thoughts and frustrations to me & your LDA brothers on the Telegram group where you'll receive individualized feedback to keep progressing throughout the whole season.
Icon Woman

How to 10X Your Lifestyle Results & Create Passive Streams of Value.
Running from November 2020 until February 2021
Season 3 is all about enjoying the fruits and results of your hard labor and starting to get a lot more top-tier results of your lifestyle by spending less time working on it.
In Autumn, you'll accomplish some of the epic goals you set for yourself when you started the Academy and begin to optimize your new social ecosystem so that it starts working to help you 10X your mission & purpose.
Your social life will start to skyrocket as you finally get consistently invited for free at exclusive top-tier parties, mastermind dinners hosted by your élite brotherhood of Lifestyle Designers, and private retreats organised by powerful mentors where you get to hang out with their crew.
This is the moment you'll access the 3rd PILLAR of Lifestyle Design:
Advanced Collaboration
By overlapping your new social networks and using the Leverage you have accumulated, you'll start to have allies contact you for business opportunities, cool creative projects & epic travel adventures –– while your influence and reputation rise exponentially as you approach the top position in your new social groups.
For the first time in your life, women will begin referring you to their friends for sex and I will personally reveal you a framework that only my private clients know on to manage multiple romantic relationships and create a “personal harem”.
For many men, this will also become a turning point in their career, as new doors start to open in front of them –– high-level positions at the office that normally take years to reach, offers to move abroad, the freedom to use your network to start working remotely & relocate wherever you want.

In Fall You Get Access to
2 Monthly10X Your Lifestyle Results Webinars With James Marshall & Guest Speakers
In Season 3, twice per month, you will attend a Lifestyle Webinar with me & a selected teacher from my global network of Leverage Engineers.
These people are completely different from all the coaches of the previous seasons as they have focused all their efforts on mastering ONE thing very well: how to get more by doing less.
From them, you'll learn advanced systems to outsource entire parts of your life –– from traveling the smart way, to throw VIP parties and have other people economically sponsor them for you, all the way up to organize threesomes and adventures with different lovers.
FALL Missions & Drills
Season 3 Missions are a lot less about doing and more about learning how to focus on managing a very efficient social machine that works for you while you keep penetrating new scenes on the side.
Twice per month, you will receive a number of Missions & Drills to start creating passive social & sexual streams of income in your life.
Private ACADEMY Telegram Brotherhood
Once more, I'll keep you accountable and coach you on how to solve the unique sticking points you will experience during your journey.
Icon Woman

Putting it All Together & Mastery
Running from February until May 2021
In Season 4 you consolidate everything. As the underdog who built his Empire from scratch, you start to think about how to manage, what to keep, and what to get rid of.
It will be time for you to master the FINAL Pillar of Lifestyle Design:
Perpetual Lifestyle Architecture
If you have been active through the Academy in the previous months, you'll be so busy and full of opportunities that you will have to learn how to let go of people & projects the healthy way.
That means learning the delicate art of breaking up with people and women who are not supporting your growth & vision anymore, and solidify your relationship with those who really contribute proactively to it in a positive way and have your true happiness at heart.
NOTE: Lifestyle Design is NOT a course that you take once then forget about it and revert back to your old self. It will become an integral part of who you are as a rare breed of man who knows how to get what he wants out of life.
No matter how big your success at this point of the program, this is NOT the time to rest on your laurels, yet. All of your relationships and systems are still tentative and if you let them drop for months everything will collapse and you'll be back to your old life.
If the Academy got you good, how do you get great? I will coach you on how to plan your new LD cycle for the next 1 year & how to scale it so it keeps working for 10 more.
Finally, you'll learn how to master Antifragility, the capacity to adapt to unpredictable scenarios. How to go lean and mobile and use your new élite network to thrive during the next Corona.
As you approach the end of your first year of Lifestyle Design principles application, you'll be a very different man compared to when you started. For the first time in your life, you'll have learned a proven method to exercise control over your destiny and not just let it happen.

In Winter You Get Access to
2 Monthly Mastery Lectures With James Marshall & Mentors
In the Final Season, 2 times per month, you'll attend a Mastery Webinar with me & one of my own mentors. To finish this off, I thought, no one is better suited to teach you how to preserve and scale your own Lifestyle Empire than the people that taught me as well how to do it.
WINTER Missions & Drills
Season 4 Missions will focus on Scalability. How to take what you have & create a system so that it keeps growing exponentially without plateauing or falling apart because of poor management skills.
2-3 times a month, I will send you a set of guided drills that will help you to 10X what you have and make sure it keeps growing also when the Academy is over.
Private ACADEMY Telegram Brotherhood
Share your results with your new élite network of Lifestyle Engineers and receive your last personalized feedback as we prepare to close off the year.
What's the COST of ignoring this?
By taking part in the Lifestyle Design Academy, you get the chance to finally take back the lead of your life and shift into a perpetual upward spiral of epic lifestyle success.
Still, I understand you might be asking yourself whether there are any other alternatives to this unique personal blueprint I'm presenting to you today.
Here are TWO of them...
The first one is IGNORING everything I've shared with you so far and not doing anything.
If you already have the exact lifestyle that you've always dreamed about and it could not get any better...
And you have realized multiple times any sex, business, traveling & inner work fantasy and goal you could possibly dream of…
Then good job! This program won't help you further.
But if you made it so far into this letter, probably that's not the case. You're one of those ambitious men that want to take charge of his life and redesign it to eventually get to that level. If so, keep reading...
The second one is understanding how much Lifestyle Design will benefit you and decide to do this ALL ALONE.
You might be thinking: “if I take this information and apply it rigorously and hustle 24/7 I'll eventually get there on my own”.
Let me tell you I understand where you're coming from...
This is something many of the so-called “hustle gurus” advocate so much nowadays and it's hard to understand the whole truth. Let's say that you can get some of these results on your own by working super hard –– lots of women in your life, crazy parties, fast promotions – but what's the price?
Having to backstab your way up to the top of the corporate ladder always fearing for someone to do the same as you did to you? Having to spend all your spare free time like I did approaching chicks?
That is if you even manage to get started…

You see, there is a BIG reason why learning these lessons took me 20 years and has been the toughest and most challenging experience of my life...
Simply put: Lifestyle Design is NOT something you have infinite shots at like when cold-approaching women on the street.
You MUST know what you’re doing:
- There are only a bunch of interesting social circles with A-list level girls you might want to penetrate in your city.
- You will have just a few occasions to attract and create deep bonds with high-status figures and mentors.
If you play this game without knowing the rules, it is fairly easy to burn your options and yourself out while damaging your reputation…
All it takes is approaching one gatekeeper the wrong way, asking a mentor for too much value too soon without knowing what you offer back, and BAM!
You're left out. Back to your old life and with a bad reputation.
And when that happens, you might have to wait a long time before coming across such good occasions.
Why would you cause yourself so much unnecessary suffering and wasted time, when I’ve done all the grunt work for YOU? Just follow a proven method and start building an epic lifestyle NOW!
The Lifestyle Design Academy will teach you everything I’ve learned in 20+ years of coaching myself and thousands of men how to use seduction & mastery of human psychology to build a social ecosystem that actively works to help you succeed in every lifestyle pursuit you set your mind on.
The unique hybrid of online mentorship, video lectures & accountability system I put in place, makes it without a single doubt…
However, to guarantee you get so much value and applicable information out of it that you don't need me anymore once the Academy is over and I can go back to enjoy my retirement...
I Added 5 Incredible Bonuses To Make Your Results Not Only Epic But Permanent Ones...
The Great Library Of Natropolis
Total value
$2.500 |

Picture this for a second…
What if you could implant a secret nanochip into my brain to hack it and readily have every single question about seduction, lifestyle design, social dynamics & spirituality you will ever have personally answered by me in a matter of seconds?
Might need to wait a couple more years for that!
However, as a close substitute, the moment you join the Academy you’ll have immediate access to “The Great Library Of Natropolis“!
What the Great Library contains is the LARGEST archive ever compiled of seduction and lifestyle Q&As asked by students exactly like you to TNL in the past 12 years.
It is a gigantic online database including MORE THAN 23 HOURS of extra video material taken from every single webinar I have ever run in my previous courses and masterminds.
Every single question is edited into 200+ individual Q&A videos ready for you to consult every time you’re facing an obstacle in your path.
To give you a taste of how big it is, here are some of the covered topics
How to physically escalate after you get her home & pull the trigger with no resistance.
Why shorter interactions might get you more flakes & how to improve your seductive conversion rate.
How to project your intent the right way.
The #5 Best cities for Seduction in Europe.
2 ways to keep her warm through text messages – planning multiple dates.
How to qualify women that act cold towards you & uncover their emotional map.
3 Wingmen Rules every seducer should know.
How to approach groups of women without feeling social pressure.
Is it better to call or text a girl, once you get her number?
A 3-min vocal training technique to sound more masculine & grounded.
How to start cold-approaching in a small town without ruining your reputation.
How to create sexual pressure through silence.
Jealousy 101- What it really is & how to handle it
Does your age really matter when approaching younger/older women.
How to motivate yourself & not waste time when doing daygame solo.
Can you apply the 5 Principles to Online Dating?
How to rewrite your subconscious programming without years of therapy.
4 conversational hacks to never run out of things to say.
Is BDSM the ultimate sexual experience? How to get started.
Do different cultures really affect your seduction results?
How to structure a successful first date without spending money.
Does evolving mean losing authenticity? How to drop the mask.
My #1 rule to express your feelings without coming across as needy.
Using selective awareness to get out of your head and feel your body for the first time.
How to handle performance anxiety in the bedroom: the ED chronicles.
The Persistence Code–how to get her by expressing your intent on multiple channels.
MMC at Home
Total value
$3.750 |

Get ready to 10X your understanding of the LDA Core Principles by accessing MORE THAN 12 HOURS of unreleased applicable content & Lifestyle Design inspiration.
A real “course within the course” selecting the 8 best Masterclasses & Keynote speeches from previous editions of the Masculine Mastermind Conference most people paid $500 to participate in.
It will feature some of the finest and most experienced minds in the fields of seduction, human psychology, spirituality & lifestyle design.
The MMC at Home is packed with so much value and content I could easily sell it as a standalone program in one year as a followup to LDA.
However, since I really want you to help as many men as possible to capitalize on challenging times like these, I decided to include it for FREE as a bonus part of the Academy curriculum.
The Best Of James Marshall
Total value
$3.750 |

A curated 10+ hour collection of the most impactful and iconic speeches I’ve given over the course of my career at the 21 Convention that changed the lives of tens of thousands of men and has been seen by millions.
I personally bought the rights to this content from the owner of the Convention for a hefty sum to keep them secure in case his channel gets taken by the algorithm in the future.
This is an incredible testament to the epic results you can achieve by applying Lifestyle Design in your life. I recommend you watch them especially in season 3 when you have created enough leverage to fully internalise their content as they’ll deal with advanced material like:
How to manage multiple relationships
The Final pillar of Seduction
How to be a real Man
Daily Movement Class
Total value
$4.800 |

As you might have heard many times before, a great part of human communication is non-verbal…
Your exact words matter only to an extent, but what truly strikes people is your essence – the way you carry yourself, how you hold your eye contact, and ultimately how present you can be during an interaction.
Unfortunately, the modern man has lost touch with his masculine body…
Stifled by too many hours of sitting at a desk, overfed with processed junk foods, and without practicing intense physical activities he has become weaker and more stressed.
Early in my teenage years, I’ve been lucky to discover the world of Chinese martial arts and the tremendous benefits that having a movement practice add to your life.
After traveling for several years to study with the last great masters in the Shaolin Temple in the Henan province in China, I expanded my movement repertoire by getting coached in functional strength and coordination from Ido Portal and the Fighting Monkey group.
That’s why I decided to include a daily LIVE follow-along movement class for the entire duration of the lockdown in the Academy.
This is not meant to be just another “pump-it and leave it“ type of workout, but a challenging and creative training that will make you feel gracefully strong, rejuvenated and in full control of your body as an instrument for self-expression.
Marshall Meditation Method 2.0 Guided Audios
Total value
$5.200 |

When you take part in the Lifestyle Design Academy, your healing journey and sense of worthiness will naturally be enhanced as a side effect of the main Lifestyle Design process...
That's because once you'll start to selectively remove toxic people from your life and substituting them with new allies & lovers that respect you and have your success at heart, most of the so-called “inner game“ work will take care of itself.
However, to really make those changes effective and permanent also at a deep-subconscious level I decided to add something more…
As you probably know, I’ve always been a big advocate of having a consistent meditation practice to be fully aware & resolve your inner conflicts, traumas, and unconscious blocks that separate you from achieving your true potential.
But we all know how boring and frustrating it can be to sit still in silence expecting profound spiritual enlightenment that never comes.
For this reason, I am going to give you immediate access to a collection of guided audio meditations taken from my own Marshall Meditation Method 2.0.
Those are the ultimate man’s guide to meditation stripped of all the new-age nonsense and contain the same deep inner work techniques I teach to my clients at workshops and retreats.
A Natural History Book
Total value
$5.200 |

Launched back in 2016, this was the book that shook the community announcing the new era of Natural Seduction.
This 300+ pages manuscript is part personal memoir, part a detailed case study of several years devoted almost exclusively to mastering women, seduction, and lifestyle.
Previously sold as a standalone online course in the TNL Online Academy I decided to give it to you for FREE the moment you join LDA.
One of the biggest limiting factors I constantly have to work on with my 1-on-1 clients is that they often set their goals too small.
But you don’t have to go through their same mistakes…
By reading this book you’ll become finally aware of the epic results and freedom an élite lifestyle can bring to your life. (just you wait for the sequel!)
Early Action Taker Bonuses
If you made it so far, I want to reveal you a secret:
you can predict today with extreme accuracy how great your post-Corona lifestyle success will be.
Want to know how?
Just take a look at what you achieved so far…
That’s exactly what you’ll keep getting when the doors open.
Like it or not, your social world isn’t going to change by itself if you keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.
Lifestyle Design is a neutral process: you get what you put in.
That’s why, to reward the TRUE action takers who are willing to put in the work to see changes from day 1 when Corona is over, I added FOUR value-packed extra bonuses for those who join the Academy within the first 3 days of the launch.

The New Alpha Course Recordings
Total value
$5.650 |

When you buy into the traditional success script, the only way to advance in life and achieve something noteworthy seems to be a classic ”backstab your way to the top” type of approach.
The problem with that is that the hustle never ends. It is an endless cat and mouse game where everyone uses deception and false promises – at your expense – to win the favors of a too powerful Alpha at the top.
This creates a very toxic and limiting environment that will definitely slow down any Lifestyle Design work you might be doing on the side.
But is there an alternative in 2020 to still be able to rise to the top of every hierarchy and become the most respected and attractive guy in the room without drama and having to hustle 24/7?
Two years ago I gave a series of speeches at the Masculine Mastermind Conference about a revolutionary social hierarchy domination concept called “The New Alpha”.
The term introduces a detailed step-by-step blueprint to maneuver your way sideways and up to the top and stealthily introduce yourself into any social group without having to beg for favors or compete with anyone else.
This applies, but is not limited, to a vast array of social scenes including:
Career workplaces..
High status social circles
The international club & nightlife scene
Artistic groups & the fashion industry
Spiritual tribes & guilds
Alternative sex life scenes like the BDSM community
And many others more...
For the first time in the history of TNL, I’m gonna share with you the recording of the entire event (2+ hours) as a FREE bonus in the Lifestyle Design Academy.

How To Handle ANY Woman Masterclass
Total value
$6.100 |

In 2018 I gave a Final closed-door speech to a small selected group of TNL students, condensing my entire 15-year career as a dating coach.
Since then, it has been called my ”second Masterpiece after the 5 Principles Of Natural Seduction”.
The core idea of it was the following:
Step 1
Learning to attract and date beautiful women was STEP 1. Not an easy step, and it’s a pivotal one but it’s only the beginning.
Step 2
STEP 2 is knowing how to be able to continually seduce AND handle the moods of your women if you want to have any peace or respect in your love life. You’ve seen what happens when a man is pussywhipped.
You see, the number one reason why so many relationships fail or turn toxic early is because we as men are not naturally in touch with the complex female nature. Different women need different approaches, depending on factors like their temperament, age, what archetype of lover role you play in her life, and so on. Some girls need to be sparred with, kept in check with blunt statements, others are more chill and can be reasoned with.
You have to find the right balance between not giving in or giving her everything she wants, or she’ll lose all respect and on the other extreme, not being too cold and abrupt, which can break the emotional bond.
It's a process that most of us have to learn through a lot of bitter and traumatising experiences. But it doesn't have to be the same for you...
In contrast to what some ”redpill gurus” might say, the reality is that women will NOT always look around for better options or betray their loyalty towards you...unless you give them the reason to.
That's probably the trickiest part of any relationship: how to truly keep the attraction going and understand what she wants in the long term, while making sure your needs are not compromised for hers.
When you access this comprehensive Masterclass for FREE, as a Bonus for joining the Lifestyle Design Academy in the Launch period, you will learn the advanced blueprint I teach at my programs to predict,and confidently face, the different social & emotional challenges you're going to experience with your women.
Consider this as the “ultimate cheat sheet for stronger relationships and never get manipulated or taken for granted again“.

Social Media Seduction Webinar
Total value
$6.700 |

Over 90% of hot girls in 2020 spend hours on social media everyday and during the Coronavirus pandemic data experts report these numbers are rising rapidly.
In short, there has never been a better time in history to leverage online methods of seduction and capitalise on so many women bored at home waiting to meet a cool guy like you.
But it doesn't stop there. Once you have your SM profile set up the right way you can literally “outsource” most of your in-person seduction to it and 10X the number of girls you can close from the streets once the doors open..
Take Daygame...
Most guys when they approach a girl during the day just try to go for the number. Then they spend an endless amount of time texting her (that is if she is not one of those girls that gets bored of messages and flakes) to try get her to see them again.
You can do that too and waste lots of good opportunities in the “texting limbo” ...
Or you can use a good Instagram profile, for example, to make her decide instantly that you're a cool guy and get the work done in a matter of minutes.
Let me warn you, getting your Social Media profiles right the first time is anything short of simple and intuitive. In fact, the standards for what a good profile looks like are constantly changing and if you don't know how to stay up to date you'll lose tons of potential amazing girls while trying to figure it out on your own.
So I decided to invite our Executive Coach & Social Media specialist, Alex León, to host a 2-hour webinar about advanced Social Media Seduction strategies and how to create a magnetizing profile from scratch.
Be prepared to stand out from all the noise of the 100s of hopeless guys who slide in her DMs by learning:
How to approach Instagram as a dating site & apply key marketing principles to have dozens of girls following you and making the first move.
5 easy strategies fashion photographers use to make their models look “Magazine-ready“ that you can instantly steal and apply to your pictures to 10X the amount of girls that visit & engage with your profile.
How to create the “right type of jealousy“ and start playing the real 10-game using my favorite targeting strategy.
A simple blueprint you can use to apply the Seductive Economy Method online as well, so you can identify the key gate keepers without having to visit any location physically and sniper your way into exclusive circles by using your smartphone.
How to capture your lifestyle and structure your feed & bio the right way so you can immediately start attracting your “seductive niche market“ from Day 1.
NOTE: the concepts & action plans shared in this Social Media Seduction class are currently part of our 5-figure, in person-only, 7-day residential workshop curriculum, which at the moment we’re not running again until the world gets back to “normal”.
Therefore, once this 3-day Action Taker Bonus Pack expires there will be NO other way in the entire world of getting your hands on such powerful stuff, for FREE.

20 MMC 2020 FREE VIP Passes
Total value
$7.150 |

Every year in May the global TNL brotherhood gathers in Budapest to meet and hangout with me and the other coaches in person at our annual Masculine Mastermind Conference.
MMC is a 3-day intensive event where hundreds of aspiring lifestyle engineers like you come to receive the latest brand new insights on the ever-evolving dating and lifestyle dynamics. These combined with powerful inner game practices will help you take effective action, whatever stage you’re at.
This year, when we opened our ticket sales for MMC 2020, we registered the biggest number of participants in the history of the event. Unfortunately, due to the Coronavirus outbreak we had to postpone it later to the 25th-27th of September.
As the last bonus to reward Real Action Takers, I'm going to award 20 FREE VIP passes to MMC 2020 to the first 20 people that join the Academy within the first 3 days of its launch.
Get ready for epic adventures with your fellow brothers, tons of fun with stunning Hungarian girls (there is a reason why we keep picking Budapest for this event 😉) and build tremendous leverage in record time.
Previous attendees call MMC ”an opportunity to make more progress in 3 days than in the past 3 years of your life”.
If you're serious about designing a better life, make sure to take this tremendous opportunity for FREE today.
NOTE: this offer is limited only to the 20 most committed men who decided they had enough of mediocrity and really want to take their lifestyle to the next level. The way it works is on a first come, first served basis, so after the FREE tickets will be gone, you'll have to pay a minimum standard price of $350 to participate at MMC 2020.
This Is About Achieving Ultimate Freedom
Icon Woman
Whenever I sit with a private client to assess their goals and plan their future lifestyle strategy, I often have to clarify something…
Having a successful lifestyle DOESN´T always mean being a playboy millionaire living on yachts and hanging out with Dan Bilzerian types of guys.
Personally, it took me years to get to the point where I have a global network of stunning lovers I can fly in every weekend, friends & allies in the European Royalty and owning the most élite coaching company in this industry.
LD is not a magic pill. I had to put in time and hard work to make it function...
That didn't prevent me from enjoying a kickass lifestyle & sex life throughout ALL the different stages of my journey.
Lifestyle Design works EQUALLY for the broke vagabonding artist that wants to tour different cities every week to sleep with local beauties and the highly paid white-collar worker that desires more freedom to join VIP social events and date models.
The methods and techniques you will master during these 12 months have been proven to lead to success for different kinds of men, in a vast array of social scenes, in dozens of countries including:
Young college students that wanted to branch out of their cities, move to the capital and start a career in the nightlife industry surrounded by beautiful girls everyday.
Élite workers in analytical fields like IT & Financial Consulting who felt trapped in the rat-race and started an online business to escape and travel the world to finally start experiencing life.
Traditional “nice guys” who only had long-term relationships and unsupportive friends who created VIP social circles out of thin air and became master of getting sex by referral.
IMPORTANT: while this program will teach you to a great extent how to connect & collaborate with other people, i want you to realise that the reason why you should be doing it is not for them, but for YOU.
Every day YOU are constantly redesigning your life. Today I'm offering you the opportunity to make sure it's in the direction YOU want.
Scroll down to join me in this amazing journey of epic personal discovery & social success.
Icon Woman
Being mainly an online mentorship, this is the closest you’ll ever get to get coached by me in person at one of my Residential 4 and 7-day programs; for less than a tenth of the price.
When you add to that the accountability system and personal access to me and your brotherhood on the Telegram group on a daily basis, the level of support you’re going to receive is outstanding.
Next, this is NOT another course about learning how to seduce and sleep with multiple women from the streets and bars (even though it will help your dating life more than anything you've ever tried).
Neither is a Business course, a Inner Game program or a Social Circle training...
Ask yourself...
How much are having your dream lifestyle and absolute freedom in your life worth to you?
Hundreds of thousands? Millions? Decades spent on trial and error?
If I decided to make The Lifestyle Design Academy a 7-day workshop, I could easily charge you 10.000$ for it, a very standard price tag for my events.
When you add to that the 10 epic bonuses I've included for you (many of them big enough to be standalone courses) the value of LDA is around:
However, as many of us are suffering during these very dark and tough times, I decided to reward real action-takers and make this program accessible to as many guys like you as possible…
Icon Woman
Every single week, for the entire 12 month duration of the Academy you’ll get access to…
Icon Woman
To reward your decisiveness and big-picture planning to make significant changes in your life, in this dark moment in history....
I've decided to make you a discount of $23.553
For the 12 WHOLE months of personal weekly mentorship with me, including:
The Entire 4-Season training curriculum.
The Advanced Lifestyle Design drills & missions
The private Telegram accountability group
22+ hours of MMC at Home & The Best Of James Marshall
Marshall's Charm School
And over 30 hours of FREE premium bonuses taken directly from the TNL vault
$997.00 USD
Icon Woman
I realise everyone has different budgets in these uncertain times:
That's why I have included 3 different membership-level options:
All Prices in USD. Prices do not include VAT.
To make this offer zero-risk for you I'm offering a full 30-day money-back guarantee. So you can try the course to see if it really works for you.
According to our Terms & Conditions
Are you ready to PIONEER a revolutionary moment in history?
After dedicating my entire life to study and codify the science that separates ordinary men from Irresistible Seducers & Astonishing Lifestyle Engineers and constantly refining my methods by coaching thousands of clients every week I can easily tell you that...
The Lifestyle Design Academy is my Magnum Opus
Not only this is the biggest and most personalised online course i'll ever release, but this is the fundamental body of knowledge – “the sacred text” – i've been consulting regularly for all these years behind the scenes to develop ALL my other online & programs.
If you're learning about it only now it's important for you to realise it's NOT just a coincidence.
There is a famous Chinese proverb that sums up this situation...
When the Student is ready the Master appears…
Your unique story, your disappointments, your dreams and strong ambition have brought you here.
Now what are you gonna do with them? The choice is completely in your hands, but be aware...
This program will NOT be available forever.
I'm going to selectively accept in this program ONLY the daring and resolute men who see the importance of capitalising on the unique historical moment we are going through and pioneer a new generation of successful Lifestyle Designers.
You will have up to 9 days to think about it. Then, on May 25th I will close the enrollment to the Academy permanently.
By then, if you realise you made a mistake and want me to teach you the same Method I'm offering you now, you'll only be able to do it by participating in my in-person 7-day workshops that will cost you up to 10 this program.
Think about it carefully.
Your Post-Corona Life WITHOUT The Lifestyle Design Academy
- You attend the same parties, with the same people and the bouncer at the VIP party says “I'm sorry, we are too full for the night ”. Your friends are all in your same exact situation.
- You burn out cold approaching dozens of women in the street with some PUA wingmen. This is your only way to try to get beautiful girls in your life. The moment you stop you lose it all.
- You're stuck in a toxic, cut-throat, work environment competing for that one open better position. The new guy gets it.
- You're stuck in the same city all the time. Whenever you travel, it's for a short time as a tourist on the sightseeing bus.
- You have no purpose and live vicariously through other people's Instagram pictures.
Your Post-Corona Life WITH The Lifestyle Design Academy
- You're surrounded by real friends that have your success at heart. They are also inspiring lifestyle creators who invite to A-list parties and share epic adventures together.
- You're dating beautiful women that know your specific tastes and purposefully seduce and bring other lovers to you. Cold approach seduction finally becomes enjoyable too, not a compulsive need.
- You're passionate about your work and share it with an X-men team of positive and brilliant partners.
- You're free to travel and relocate where and when you want. With the global network of allies you've built, you'll never feel alone.
- You live by a strong core purpose and every day is a new adventure.
One more thing. Ask yourself this KEY question before joining…
Would you rather beg for forgiveness or ask for permission?
If you made it so far, I think you know the answer...
For thousands of years glorious journeys & epic tales of many great kings, warriors and lovers have flourished by taking this simple choice…
Today is your turn.
You have been given the opportunity to rewrite the script of your life and finally start experiencing it on your terms.
Not in 10, 20, or 40 years when you’re ready to retire and too old and full of regrets to enjoy it…but RIGHT NOW.
Let me tell you…
This journey will not always be easy.
There will be moments that will make you question your priorities and wonder whether living in a safe and comfortable bubble wasn’t an easier option.
There will be a few disappointments, people you cared for and invested in leaving your tribe or challenging your authority.
There will be some dark night
but then, there will also be MANY GLORIOUS DAYS when…
- You’ll experience moments of uncontrollable joy when you’ll realize that you are surrounded by amazing friends and lovers that really have your happiness and success at heart.
- A deep sense of fulfillment and unshakeable self-esteem will pervade you as you wake up every morning and feel again in your life the excitement of starting new adventures and doing what you truly love.
- You’ll finally feel the confidence of having the right resources and connections to support and take care of people you value the most in your life.
If you choose to go ahead with this, I want to let you know something...
You’ll not be alone.
We’ll go through the highs and lows of this marvelous journey together.
I’ve poured EVERYTHING I know about peak-level lifestyle success into this program and my ultimate goal is to make you so good you won’t need me anymore in the future.
As that same proverb continues…
After the Student is ready the Master disappears...
Icon Woman

So, are you ready for it?
Reading this letter has made you aware of the limitless possibilities and epic life you can lead when you become good at Lifestyle Design. This is not an opportunity you'll be able so easily to rationalise if you miss it.
Yet, there is a chance you'll never be able to realise your true destiny if you don't act NOW.
Click on the button below to get started.

All Prices in USD. Prices do not include VAT.
Icon Woman

Will this work for me if I just moved to a new city and have no friends?
YES. The techniques you will learn in the Academy have been used by hundreds before you to travel the world and build new social circles each time. They’re applicable everywhere as long you can find some fellow humans to connect with 😉
Icon Woman

My country is still in quarantine, does it make sense for me to join this program?
In short, absolutely. The Spring Foundations 8-week Core program is meant to be an intensive mentorship to get you ready with your own lifestyle strategy and all the tools you need to guarantee yourself success once society goes back to normal.
Icon Woman

How much time do I have to invest in the Lifestyle Design Academy?
This is a very individual question. I have structured the program to be extremely useful to very different kinds of men with different routines. The minimum requirement if you just watch the weekly lectures and do the missions would be around 3 hours per week. You can easily double or triple that if you take part in all the extra lectures & bonuses.
Ultimately, you get what you put in.
Icon Woman

I'm very busy at the moment, can I join the program in a month from now?
The answer is NO. As I wrote before I will allow in only a selected group of dedicated men and close the enrolment after one week on May 25th. This is necessary to make sure we create a quality brotherhood experience and everyone gets enough coaching.
Icon Woman

Should I become good at seduction first before joining this program?
It depends on your goals. If all you care about is to become skilled enough to meet women in the streets and take them home, you should prioritize that and join my 5 Principles Course. However, building an élite lifestyle FIRST will help you to achieve all of your other social goals including seduction a lot better and faster due to the leverage factor.
Icon Woman

Do I get lifetime access to the whole course?
Yes, you have lifetime access to all lectures, missions, bonus modules and the ongoing LDA community.