Free Beginner Course

James Marshall presents...

From “Hi” To First Date - A 3-Part Video Series To Start Meeting Beautiful Women Anywhere And Smoothly Get Them On Dates

Click the link below to access our Foundational Street Approach Course, for FREE
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This is a 100% FREE coaching program.
  • My top two mindset-altering techniques that will eradicate your social anxiety and fear of talking to strangers.
  • Approaching 101 - the most effective ways to talk to women ANYWHERE and get them hooked from the beginning & how not to run out of things to say.
  • Practical conversation frameworks to spark connection & sexual tension
  • A simple “contextual closing” process to drastically increase your chances to turn numbers into actual dates.
  • PLUS, you also get a Personal Consultation Call at the end of the course with our student success team to identify your sticking points and get where you want faster.
Click HERE to get instant access
This is a 100% FREE coaching program.

Gentlemen, this is James Marshall.

And today I’m excited to share with you something I’ve been developing for a long time.

For nearly two decades, on the world’s bustling streets I’ve mentored thousands of men in building their dream dating and sexual lives, through mastery of the art of street approach seduction.

He has an ability to merge the micro and macro that is impressive

Excellent analysis post-approach with specific and surprising observations about language and other details I was unaware of; he's really fun--showed me his nautical porn videos while on break and told hilarious stories about his experiences; enjoyed hearing his thoughts about business and lifestyle design. He has an ability to merge the micro and macro that is impressive.

James was able to spot some unbelievable small but very decisive details during my conversations

I think James's feedback was a great one in regards of technical aspects. He has a great ear and was able to spot some unbelievable small but very decisive details during my conversations with the girls. I was amazed how carefully he listened to any of my interactions and was able to hear, spot and read my unconscious intent that was even not obvious to me (kind of sixth sense). That really impressed me. He explained to my the objection handling again and again and he wanted to make sure that I really got it.

Great piece of advice for me

James shared some concise, practical advice that stuck with me for the whole week, even though we only had one infield session together. He told me to assume that the woman was into me and operate from that perspective until proven otherwise. If the woman is not into it, she will let me know. It is kind of a funny approach because it is the opposite of how I have felt in past experience. I used to assume a woman wasn't attracted to me until proven that she was. This was a great piece of advice for me.

His valuable social media insights blew my mind

First ever inflield session on a mic was with James and his first long list with constructive feedback (it hit my balls...) was eye opening and hard. But later on applying his first improvements I directly saw the impact... so grateful for this! And other coaches pointed out similar areas so I know we're to put my focus on to live MY future dating life. Also his valuable social media insights blew my mind and gave me basic awareness on what not to do xD step by step. James you rock! I'm looking forward to working again with you during the 8 weeks coaching program. See you!

Knowing how to approach a woman confidently, wherever you see her, and make her intrigued to see you again is the #1 skill EVERY man must learn.

No amount of wealth, social media clout, and gym time will ever make up for the fact that you gotta show balls and talk to women you don’t know, if you want to date them.

Through excessive information online and misleading claims by self-proclaimed coaches with no infield coaching record, however, it’s getting increasingly harder for men to access the knowledge they need to make breakthroughs in their seductive lives.

With the atomization of social circles and the reliance on apps to find partners, so many men get left behind and experience long periods of frustrating loneliness.

Cutting through the inertia and white noise, I’ve been helping men for 15 years navigate the ever-changing dating landscape, to hit the most effective methods for having real choice and skill in your love life.

Which is why I created this course.

From “Hi” To First Date is the guide I wish I had when I first started, and it’s 100% FREE, breaking down the key methods for effective daygame. 

Through a series of no b.s., in-depth instructional videos, you’ll learn everything you need to know to start taking action and rapidly get results with the women you’re after.

Click HERE to get instant access
This is a 100% FREE coaching program.
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