Alex León's

Private Online Mentoring

Scientific frameworks to maximize your social,
sexual, and lifestyle potential

Countless men all over the world waste their best years

Countless men all over the world waste their best years living only up to a small fraction of their full potential. I get it, for as long as I can remember I was raised with the dogma that following the safe path and settling for a comfortable, average life is the only way to evolve as a man.

But after spending my early twenties stuck in a spiral of quiet desperation, deeply envying those guys on YouTube and Instagram who had epic lifestyles filled with women and adventure, I made a vow to myself…

“That’s enough. Time to work!”

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alex approaching girl w scoother
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Alex 5

For five years I did everything in my power to crack the shell

Restlessly approached thousands of women, went on hundreds of dates, networked and exchanged contacts with every interesting man I met, moved to Budapest, DMed several hundreds of people on social media, organized parties and travels to merge different social circles, and befriended world-class millionaire traders and investors.

The spark turned into a flame, and as my dream lifestyle started to form, I got invited to join TNL’s coaching team as an executive instructor.

Since joining in 2019, I’ve taught hundreds of men around the world, the same exact social strategies and scientific principles that turned my situation upside-down. Together, we’ve unlocked new massive seductive opportunities, created abundance and purpose, and ultimately laid the foundations for a life with fewer regrets.

And today, I’m proud to introduce you to my…


This is the most personalised and life-changing remote training option I’ve ever offered.

We will get on weekly hour-long calls, break down your sticking points and short term\long term lifestyle goals, and create a detailed strategy plan to smash every single one of them in the next few months.

Mindset & Confidence


State-of-the-art inner game and biohacking systems to rapidly get you out of your head, ignite confidence and help you take action no matter what your goals are.

Plus I also share with you my most effective framework to eradicate social anxiety permanently.


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Alex shared some concise, practical advice that stuck with me for the whole week, even though we only had one infield session together. He told me to assume that the woman was into me and operate from that perspective until proven otherwise. If the woman is not into it, she will let me know. It is kind of a funny approach because it is the opposite of how I have felt in past experience. I used to assume a woman wasn’t attracted to me until proven that she was. This was a great piece of advice for me.

Peter Parker


Alex is Truly life-changing

Coaching with Alex has been worth 100% of every penny spent. He has helped me by identifying and helping to break down my excuses and to shift my mindset and perspective on how I do things in dating, work, and life in general.

I have been working with him for only a few months now and my results in dating, networking, and social game have already skyrocketed. His strategies are next level, and best of all.. he helped me to break past the fear and procrastination I was facing to go out and do it. I can’t wait to see what the following months of working together will bring.

– Jeff

Approach & seduction

How to approach, spark attraction and close the deal with women anywhere. This is not only limited to daygame cold approaching but also extends to social circle situations, parties and any place where being too direct might backfire.


We will also define your ‘target’ dream girl and reverse-engineer the necessary steps to meet her and smoothly make her interested in you.

Social Media
Dating Strategies

In 2022, if you’re not active on social media, you’ll miss out on the majority of your social and dating opportunities. Like it or not, people expect you to be there.

I’ll teach you the basics of building a masculine online profile that gets you dates and business contacts on autopilot without having to spend hours online or cluelessly sliding into women’s inboxes.



Only one infield session with Alex, but it was productive and Alex’s feedback was helpful and encouraging. Alex’s social media coaching was gold

– Jeff

Lifestyle Design

My blueprint to strategically re-build your life so that everything in it helps you to get closer to your social, romantic, financial, and happiness goals.

This includes gathering an inner circle ‘tribe’ of people around you who deeply care about you and will proactively support you in achieving everything you set your mind to.

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Troubleshoot current challenges and get Alex to answer burning questions in one of the four key areas of coaching.

Coaching session


A structured, progressive, long coaching call that will create clarity on how to achieve breakthrough results in your seductive life.



2 spot(s) available


An intensive remote mentorship and accountability program to scientifically succeed at your main lifestyle goals.


A great experience

My experience with Alex was great! He didn’t give me too much of anything about my approaches to become mentally fixated. He was also the only coach who told me about maintaining my contacts as I got more and more numbers (although only because I asked). Very easy going nature, made the infield session feel natural, like I was hanging out with an old friend in Barcelona.

Peter Parker


valuable social media insights

First ever inflield session on a mic was with Alex and his first long list with constructive feedback (it hit my balls…) was eye opening and hard. But later on applying his first improvements I directly saw the impact… so grateful for this! And other coaches pointed out similar areas so I know we’re to put my focus on to live MY future dating life. Also his valuable social media insights blew my mind and gave me basic awareness on what not to do xD step by step. Alex you rock! I’m looking forward to working again with you during the 8 weeks coaching program. See you!

Peter Parker


feedback was a great one in regards of technical aspects

I think Alex’s feedback was a great one in regards of technical aspects. He has a great ear and was able to spot some unbelievable small but very decisive details during my conversations with the girls. I was amazed how carefully he listened to any of my interactions and was able to hear, spot and read my unconscious intent that was even not obvious to me (kind of sixth sense). That really impressed me. He explained to my the objection handling again and again and he wanted to make sure that I really got it.

Peter Parker


Alex Leòn in your pocket

Daily, direct phone access to Alex’s personal number to receive feedback on how to overcome sticking points, smoothly deal with her tests, get an honest review of your texting skills, brainstorm new lifestyle strategies, and more.

A written/audio answer is guaranteed to each student within 48 hours.

Advanced courses
library & lectures


Over 20+ hours of unreleased, elite training material & mini-courses previously available only to high-paying, private workshop students.

Includes in-depth masterclasses & action guides on:

  • Building your social circle from scratch and becoming popular in any city as an introvert.
  • Social freedom & confidence drills to feel relaxed and powerful around women.
  • Fuc* boy blueprint: how to develop your style and body to become sexy to any girl.
  • Conversation hacking: how to find your unique conversation style and build connection and arousal verbally within minutes of meeting her.
  • Escalation guide: what to do once she’s at your place so that she gets incredibly horny and wants to rip your clothes off.

+ new content, missions, and classes added by Alex every month.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Alex shared some concise, practical advice that stuck with me for the whole week, even though we only had one infield session together. He told me to assume that the woman was into me and operate from that perspective until proven otherwise. If the woman is not into it, she will let me know. It is kind of a funny approach because it is the opposite of how I have felt in past experience. I used to assume a woman wasn’t attracted to me until proven that she was. This was a great piece of advice for me.

Peter Parker

Weekly Q&A,

Community-only events where you can interact in real time with fellow students from all over the world and get your most urgent questions answered live by Alex. HD recording from each call will be delivered to your inbox within 48 hours from the end.


tells you everything you could improve

Alex is such a chill guy. He gave very clear feedback that could be followed systematically. It could be overwhelming because he tells you everything you could improve. However, I didn’t find this to be a problem because I will just work on the individual components one at a time.

Peter Parker


feedback will help me more

Alex gave the best feedback of any of the coaches. He was very big picture in his analysis of my lack of challenging and lack of matching investment. I believe his feedback will help me more than any of the other feedback.

Peter Parker


Alex is great at calling out your bullshit

Good at taking resonsibility, especially at the end of the day then the guys was tired, and wanted to chat with the female actors instead of doing what we were there to do. He is great at calling out your bullshit, and getting down to your root problem, so you can focus on the right attitude. Thank you for your honesty, you made me a lot more aware of my faults!

Peter Parker


Alex was a fun time and did a great job

Alex was a fun time and did a great job of dissecting things i was not doing right.

Peter Parker


Go and approach anyway.

Very strict coach, sometimes felt a bit unpleasent, but he pointed out what I had to learn and why clearly. This negative co-notation on the emotional level helped me to hammer down one important lesson: “Go and approach anyway. Find out, who she is.” It is now firmly part of my emotional and subconcious memory. His fashion and outfit shopping class was very insightful. He clearly knew what to look for. He gave me a new perspective on how to approach fashion. His theory inputs were spoken clearly with confidence and expertise. I got a lot of insights and I appreciate them very much.

Peter Parker


feedback was helpful and encouraging

Talking with Alex broadens your horizons, he has a clear picture of how much is possible if you apply yourself.

Peter Parker

Alex Leòn

Coming from a modest middle-class family in a small town in Austria, I began my lifestyle journey as a geeky student who had it far easier in computer engineering classes than when meeting friends and talking to women.

In fact, for most of my young adult life, I had been crippled by enormous social anxiety, fueled by the conservative and rigid environment I grew up in.

If you describe yourself as an introvert or analytical guy who often gets stuck in “analysis paralysis”, we’ll get along pretty easily 😉

After many years of struggle, I’ve managed to create a pretty effective, all-encompassing method to help men stop overthinking and take action to elevate their social, romantic and business relationships fast.

In the past couple of years, I’ve also invested large amounts of my time and capital in trying to codify the science of high-value social circle penetration, slowly assembling an elite network that includes several micro-celebrities, social media personalities, young millionaire entrepreneurs, crypto magnates and dozens of hot female models.

And that’s what I teach in my online coaching plans: how to build an epic, varied lifestyle that truly fulfills your entire masculine potential.


Excellent analysis post-approach

Excellent analysis post-approach with specific and surprising observations about language and other details I was unaware of; he’s really fun–showed me his nautical porn videos while on break and told hilarious stories about his experiences; enjoyed hearing his thoughts about business and lifestyle design. He has an ability to merge the micro and macro that is impressive.

Peter Parker


He helped me break out my comfort zone

I specifically remember myself saying I don’t know if I should approach the girl who’s on the phone, and he encouraged me to do so anyway. He helped me break out more of my comfort zone. We also had a good chat about social media and how to use it more effectively.

Peter Parker


Great piece of advice for me

Alex shared some concise, practical advice that stuck with me for the whole week, even though we only had one infield session together. He told me to assume that the woman was into me and operate from that perspective until proven otherwise. If the woman is not into it, she will let me know. It is kind of a funny approach because it is the opposite of how I have felt in past experience. I used to assume a woman wasn’t attracted to me until proven that she was. This was a great piece of advice for me.

Peter Parker


Good insight into young girls lifestyle, social media

Alex was very specific/on point with the feedback without trying to be too soft which I found helpful. Might be that he’s young but I liked that he gave us an insight into young girls lifestyle, social media, explaining how much attention these girls are getting, etc.. i found it very helpful and weeks after I realised that this insight was so important. He was a bit arrogant/strict at times but this helped with organising the workshop and making sure we are getting most of it.

Peter Parker


1-on-1 online coaching, and especially the 4-week mentoring program, is the closest option to my live workshops but with a more dynamic, flexible structure, and a much smaller financial commitment. For example, most of my private workshops consist of three intense days of training, with several hours of coaching and infield sessions from morning to late noon. Ultimately, it all depends on your current time availability and goals.

Feel free to email me at [email protected] if committed to working with me, but unsure whether you should do the long online mentorship or the intensive 1-on-1 in-person workshop.

Absolutely. This is no pre-recorded program meant to sit on your hard drive and never be put into action. This is a fully personalized live mentorship, meaning that the starting and endpoint of the coaching journey are strictly dependent on your current skill-set, sticking points, and future goals. Plus, I’ll share with you key assignments each week that will help you to track progress and make sure you take action.

We currently have online coaching clients from 11 countries and growing! You will use the booking form I provide inside the program to schedule your weekly call in your preferred timezone. If I can’t make it, I’ll reach out to you within hours to find an alternative that works for both of us 😉